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TPK Koja Socializes Health Insurance and Health Seminars Regarding Hypertension and Lifestyle

12/03/24, 14:18 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-12T07:18:54Z

JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) - On Monday, March 4 2024, at KSO TPK Koja, a Health Insurance Socialization event and Health Seminar on hypertension and lifestyle were held in the Pavilion Meeting Room, Fl. 5 KSO TPK Koja Office Building Jl. Digul I No. 1 District Koja North Jakarta 14210 starting at 09.00 WIB.

This activity was held in collaboration with the HR department of KSO TPK Koja and Reliance Insurance.

Starting with the delivery of welcoming remarks from the HR Manager of KSO TPK Koja, Mr. Stenus Jacub, then continued with a health outreach presentation by Dr. Daniel RP Situmorang, dr., M.Ked(PD), Sp.PD, K-GH who is an internal medicine specialist and hypertension kidney consultant from Siloam Hospitals Agora. He conveyed an understanding of hypertension and how to deal with it as well as a healthy lifestyle to the participants present, where the participants present were workers at KSO TPK Koja.

The participants' enthusiasm was visible in the many questions asked of Dr. Daniel RP Situmorang especially to deepen understanding of hypertension.

The event was made even more interesting by providing the opportunity for free blood tests for the 50 participants who attended this health seminar. Participants can check independently - through a mini Medical Check Up -, where seminar participants can find out blood pressure, check sugar levels, check cholesterol levels. and check uric acid.

Hopefully, holding this event will increase the awareness of KSO TPK Koja workers regarding the importance of maintaining health, especially to prevent hypertension.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • TPK Koja Socializes Health Insurance and Health Seminars Regarding Hypertension and Lifestyle


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