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Secretary of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation: Standardization of Port Services is needed, so that there is certainty

09/03/24, 12:22 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-09T05:24:13Z

 - Standardization of port services is expected to improve national logistics performance, improve the investment climate, and increase the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Lollan Panjaitan, said that standardization would not only provide certainty in port services, but would also contribute greatly to advancing the national logistics sector.

"This standardization of port services covers various parties involved in the port business process, such as Port Organizers, Port Business Entities, Special Terminal Managers/TUKS, and parties carrying out activities at the Port," he said during a socialization regarding Port Service Standardization, on Friday ( 8/3/2024).

This socialization activity aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the Circular Letter of the Director General of Sea Transportation Number SE-DJPL 8 of 2024 which highlights the importance of standardization in port services.

"This socialization is to provide clear guidance for Port Operators in monitoring and evaluating port services provided to related parties as an effort to improve the quality of port services in Indonesia," he said.

This socialization, added Lolan, not only functions as an information platform, but also as a practical guide for Port Operators and other related parties to understand and implement the standards that have been set.

"In an era of intense global competition, standardization of port services is a crucial step in improving the governance of sea port areas," he said.

Arrangements for standardization of port services are also based on the report on the results of the Stranas-PK TW IV 2023 as well as requests for supporting data documents for TW I 2024 action-4.

Lollan also emphasized that these steps are in line with the implementation of Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2020 concerning Structuring the National Logistics Ecosystem.

"This step will not only provide certainty in port services, but will also contribute greatly to advancing the national logistics sector," added Lolan.

(ISL News Editorial/Maritime Transportation Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Secretary of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation: Standardization of Port Services is needed, so that there is certainty


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