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Samudera Indonesia Releases 2023 Performance, Records Profit of US$ 74.58 million

29/03/24, 16:23 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-29T09:39:22Z

 - PT Samudera Indonesia Tbk (SMDR) throughout 2023, posted a profit for the year attributable to the owners of the parent entity of US$ 74.58 million or the equivalent of around Rp. 1.14 trillion.

This was stated by the Main Director, Bani M Mulia, during an online press conference, last Thursday, March 28 2023.

"The profit achieved throughout 2023 is smaller than the previous year (2022) but still above the profit achieved in 2021," said the Managing Director of Bani M. Mulia.

And in 2024, Bani M Mulia is optimistic that we can increase the company's profits. "With the operation of our new ships (Samudera Indonesia), we are optimistic that this year the company's profits will increase," said Bani.

It is suspected that the decline in Samudera Indonesia's profits (SMDR) throughout 2023 was triggered by a decrease in service income from US$ 1.15 billion in 2022 to US$ 772.40 million in 2023.

Even though service costs were able to be reduced from US$ 756.85 million to US$ 618.63 million, it is still considered unable to support gross profit which will fall from US$ 394.10 million to US$ 153.76 million in 2023.

The total assets of Samudera Indonesia (SMDR) as of December 31 2023 were US$ 1.25 billion, liabilities US$ 571.44 million, and equity US$ 685.51 million.

Meanwhile, the value of Samudera Indonesia Shares (SMDR) itself at the start of the first trading session on March 28 2024 opened at IDR 318 per saham.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Samudera Indonesia Releases 2023 Performance, Records Profit of US$ 74.58 million


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