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Pelindo Regional 2 Share in Ramadhan 1445 H, with 2,125 children in Panti Asuhan dan Yatim Piatu

26/03/24, 11:24 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-26T04:25:32Z

 The month of Ramadhan teaches Muslims to become better people by being generous and sharing with others. This month Muslims are encouraged to give alms to help people in need.

Celebrating the month of Ramadhan 1445 H in 2024, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 spreads blessings through activities of providing compensation, distributing takjil and basic necessities to 12 branches in its region consisting of Tanjung Priok, Panjang, Banten, Pontianak, Palembang, Bengkulu, Teluk Bayur, Cirebon, Jambi, Sunda Kelapa, Pangkal Balam and Sunda Kelapa.

At these 12 port branches, through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, with the theme "Pelindo Shares Ramadhan", Pelindo Regional 2 distributed compensation to 2,125 children in several orphanages in each port branch area.

Regional 2 Executive Director, Drajat Sulistyo, in his statement during a working visit to Pelindo Regional 2 Jambi (22/03/2024) said that compensation activities were carried out at 12 Pelindo Regional 2 port branches, some of which had the opportunity to receive direct visits from several representatives of Pelindo Commissioners and Directors, as was carried out at Pelindo Regional 2 Palembang (18/03) when receiving a working visit from the Independent Main Commissioner of Pelindo, Agus Suhartono, who was accompanied by the Deputy Main Director of Pelindo, Hambra and Regional Division Head of Regional Operations 2, Wasisitianto by directly observing operational activities and Pelindo Regional 2 Palembang's performance in the Container Terminal and Non-Container Terminal as well as the readiness of the Palembang Port passenger terminal in facing the Mudik Lebaran 1445 H.

Drajat added, apart from providing compensation for orphans, in this month of Ramadhan Pelindo Regional 2 also distributed 13,400 takjil packages to be distributed to road users, service users and mosques around the port as well as 19,950 free food aid packages for the general public. especially the area around the port and TKBM, and all of this assistance was distributed to 12 ports in the Regional 2 area.

"The Pelindo Sharing Ramadhan activity is an annual event held regularly by Pelindo Regional 2, as part of the TJSL Program, and the hope is that with the distribution of food package compensation, apart from strengthening ties between the port and the surrounding community, it can also help ease the burden on our brothers and sisters. our brothers and sisters while fasting," concluded Drajat.

(Editorial IS: News/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Share in Ramadhan 1445 H, with 2,125 children in Panti Asuhan dan Yatim Piatu


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