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IDSurvey, Holding BUMN Survey Services Holds Business Development Leaders Summit 2024

04/03/24, 08:47 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-04T01:51:23Z

 - In increasing business contributions originating from market and product mix to achieve positive 2024 performance, PT BKI (Persero), PT SUCOFINDO and PT Surveyor Indonesia held the 2024 IDSurvey Business Development Leaders Summit on 26-27 February 2024 located at PT Surveyor Indonesia, Jakarta.

This activity was attended directly by the President Commissioner of IDSurvey, R. Harry Hikmat, Director of Institutional Relations of IDSurvey, Andry Tanudjaja, Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT SUCOFINDO, Budi Hartanto, Commercial Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Saifuddin Wijaya, Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Rosmanidar Zulkifli.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IDSurvey, Holding BUMN Survey Services Holds Business Development Leaders Summit 2024


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