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Pelindo Solusi Logistik Launches "Drone Safety Patrol" to Celebrate National K3 Month 2024

24/02/24, 10:20 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-24T03:20:53Z

 In commemoration of National K3 Month 2024, PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik or ("SPSL") as the Pelindo Port BUMN Subholding in the logistics and hinterland development cluster launched the " Drone Safety Patrol " system.

SPSL's Director of Strategy and Business Development, Retno Soelistianti, said that the " Drone Safety Patrol " system is one of the innovations made by SPSL people in security and safety patrol activities in the Company's operational environment to make it more effective and efficient.

"Implementing HSSE culture in this era of technological transformation is the responsibility of all elements and has become a company concern . "This is the background to the company's steps in launching the " Drone Safety Patrol " system which has now been implemented in several SPSL service areas, namely the Belawan PIL Depot and the Makassar MTI CCDC Field," said Retno Soelistianti (21/2/2024).

The implementation of the " Drone Safety Patrol " system aims to increase supervision over the implementation of the K3 management system, increase the cost efficiency of implementing the K3 management system monitoring program, reduce the risk of accidents during patrol activities, and obtain patrol results with a wider and more comprehensive view or visibility . .

In line with the commemoration of the 2024 National K3 Month which carries the theme "Cultivate K3, be healthy and safe at work, maintain business continuity". SPSL also involves all workers to actively participate in making the 2024 National K3 Month a success through a series of activities such as safety webinars , safety talks and competitions -K3 competitions in the form of making K3 posters, comic strips, implementing 5R culture, quizzes, and safety campaign videos .

"By improving the HSSE and K3 culture in every activity, we hope to prevent and reduce the potential for accidents and work-related illnesses, guarantee the protection of workforce safety, and guarantee that operational and back office activity processes can run smoothly and create zero accidents ," closed Retno Soelistianti.

(Editorial ISL/Corcom SPSL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).




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  • Pelindo Solusi Logistik Launches "Drone Safety Patrol" to Celebrate National K3 Month 2024


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