WEST SUMATRA (ISL News) - As part of the commemoration of National Occupational Health and Safety (K3) month, PT Pelindo (Persero) Regional 2 Teluk Bayur held a joint rally activity which was attended by all maritime elements of Teluk Bayur Port, including subsidiaries and subholdings of PT Pelindo (Persero) Group, which this year has the theme "Cultivate K3, Healthy and Safe at Work, Maintain Business Sustainability".
This activity was carried out on Tuesday, February 20 2024, at the PT Pelindo (Persero) Regional 2 Teluk Bayur office field.
In his remarks, Regional General Manager 2 Teluk Bayur, Mr. Capt. Medi Kusmana said that one of the important keys to building a superior employment ecosystem is building a good K3 culture. "With a superior K3 culture, the number of work accidents will be reduced," he said.
He added, "Based on the HSSE Regional 2 Teluk Bayur annual report over the last 2 years, thank God there were no work accidents in the fatal category. However, we all must not be negligent and must always prioritize and increase our attention and concern for the K3 Program," so that it becomes a priority for all of us," he appealed.
"For this reason, we will always invite and encourage all parties carrying out activities at Teluk Bayur Port, to implement the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3) consistently, in accordance with applicable statutory provisions, so that the K3 culture is attached to every individual who participates in the company and will ultimately increase work productivity," said Capt. Medi Kusmana.
Closing his remarks, the General Manager of Regional 2 Teluk Bayur appealed and invited all stakeholders of Teluk Bayur Port to always increase synergy, coordination and collaboration in an effort to increase independence with an K3 culture so as to create a safe, comfortable, healthy workplace and towards zero work accidents. ).
At the final session of the event, the General Manager of Regional 2 Teluk Bayur also gave 300 vests symbolically to every truck driver who entered the port area. The provision of these vests was announced in collaboration between Pelindo Regional 2 Teluk Bayur, IPC TPK Teluk Bayur Area, PTP Teluk Bayur Branch, JAI Area IV Teluk Bayur, SPJM Teluk Bayur Area and JPPI Teluk Bayur Area.
(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).