INDONESIA – SIURABAYA (ISL News) - Pelindo Marines, along with its subsidiaries, PT Alur Pelayaran Barat Surabaya, PT Pelindo Energi Logistik, and PT Berkah Multi Cargo (Pelindo Group), provide a variety of integrated maritime services ranging from towage and pilotage services, dredging and land preparation, channel management, energy logistics, and distribution, to multimodal transportation and project cargo handling.
We highly value Trust, Competence, Harmony, Loyalty, Adaptive, and
Collaborative, so known as AKHLAK as our core values to preserve our integrity
and business sustainability for years to come.
Pelindo Marines together with the maritime stakeholders are
committed to play an active role in Indonesia's logistics performance
improvement, in terms of ensuring national economic development and improving
people's welfare.
Office : Pelindo Place, Lt.
Jalan Perak Timur 478, Surabaya
Indonesia – 60165 info@pelindomarines.com
Contact (031) 99210400
(Redaksi ISL News/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).