JAKARTA (ISL News) - The Indonesian geographical and natural structures consist of thousands of islands with a very wide sea territory, in which means of sea transportation in the form of vessel, as the most important means, and the vessel condition must be managed and inspected in a thorough, regular and systematic manner so as to safeguard the safety of the passengers and goods
at the sea.Based on that condition and urged
by national awareness and ambition to have a national classification agency
which in turn, it would open work opportunity for the Indonesian vessel
experts, then the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno,
in his government on the initiative of Wisnoentoro Martokoesoemo and his
friends, established Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia, a State-owned Enterprise
(SoE), and its Deed of Establishment was signed by Ali Sadikin on July 1, 1964.
Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (BKI) has been the
fourth Asian classification agency following Japan, China and Korea, and it has
been the sole national classification agency in charge of making a
classification of Indonesian flagged and foreign flagged commercial vessels
which regularly operates in Indonesian waters. Wisnoentoro Martokoesoemo
himself was actively involved in various organizations and a member of
Executive Board of Indonesia German Circle, Secretary
General of the German Alumni Association (PAJ), and the Management Board of the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID). He was awarded “Verdients Kreuz der Bundes republic Deutschland” by the German Government for his contribution to the development of the Department of Marine Technology of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) in Surabaya. Wisnoentoro was a graduate of the Engineering Diploma majoring in Naval Architect of the Technische Hochschule Hannover, Germany, in 1962.
BKI has been conducting the vessel classification based on hull construction, machinery and electricity installation of the vessels for the purpose of evaluating the sea worthiness of the vessels. In addition, BKI has been entrusted by the Government to conduct surveys and statutory certifications in the name of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, inter alia, Load Line, ISM Codeand ISPS Code Certifications BKI was established by implementing technical standards in the activities of design and construction as well as maritime surveys related to floating facilities, including vessels and offshore construction.
These standards were prepared and issued by BKI as technical publications. A vessel designed and built based on the BKI standards would obtain a Classification Certificate issued by BKI after BKI completed a set of requisite classification surveys. As an independent Classification Agency which was self-regulatory, BKI had no interest in commercial aspects related to the design, building, ownership, operation, management, maintenance/repair, insurance or leasing of the vessel. BKI also conducted research and development for the purpose of enhancing technical quality and standards which were published to the stakeholders of vessel classification services.
Since it was seen that there were increasing
activities and development as well as the business prospect seemed quite good,
in 1977 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as the BKI owner attempted
to improve the BKI business independence by changing the status of legal entity
of Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia into a Limited Liability Companyor PT (Persero)
which was strengthened by Government Regulation No.1 Year 1977 regarding the
Change in the Status of Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia from a State-owned
Enterprise to a Limited Liability Company (Persero).
BKI was established to minimize the Indonesian foreign exchange for the inspection services of domestic vessels and to support the independence of the Indonesian maritime industry. BKI, supported by cooperation with Germansicher Lloyd, Germany, has been currently a major national classification agency.
Until now, in addition to the Classification
services, BKI has developed its business activities in the field of Consultancy
and Supervision services. BKI, with its headquarters located in Jakarta, has a
network of branches in major ports throughout Indonesia and Singapore. BKI also
has established cooperation with Foreign Classification Agencies, both in the
form of Mutual Representativeand Dual Class.
Addresss Office Center :
Jl. Yos Sudarso 38-40, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta
- 14320
email : ho@bki.co.id : (Corporate Secretary, Corporate Communication)
email : bcr@bki.co.id : (Customer Communication)
+62 21 430 10 17
+62 21 430 17 03
+62 21 4393 70 21
+62 21 435 32 91
+62 21 436 19 03/04
x+62 21 436 18 99
(Red. ISL News/email:redaksiislnewstv@gmail.com)