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Pelindo Terminal Petikemas or SPTP Conducts Vertical Rescue Training to Ensure Container Terminals as Safe Workplaces

01/02/25, 15:26 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-01T08:27:14Z

 In order to commemorate the 2025 National Occupational Safety and Health (K3) Month, Subholding PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP), a subsidiary of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) held various activities.

One of them is training activities as an ongoing effort to ensure standards in the Pelindo/SPTP Group that container terminals under the management of Pelindo/SPTP are safe places to work.

It is an honor that Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS), as one of SPTP's subsidiaries, was given the opportunity to share in a training program implemented by SPTP. The material shared was about Rescuing People from Workplaces at Heights or better known as  Vertical Rescue .

Attended by 15 participants from Pelindo Group (Teluk Lamong Terminal (TTL), Nilam, Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia (BJTI), Pelindo Regional 3 and Subholding Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT), the training was held for 2 (two days) on Thursday-Friday, January 30-31, 2025 at Nilam Terminal, Surabaya.

It is expected that with  this sharing session  and training, workers at terminals within the Pelindo Group's working area have the awareness and knowledge to carry out rescue efforts for people working at heights during emergencies, especially  Container Crane  (CC) and  Rubber Tyred Gantry  (RTG) Operators. The emergencies in question are such as a fire in the operator's cabin or the operator is unconscious.

Since 2022, TPS has formed a  20-member  Vertical Rescue  Team. Among the team members, 2 are holders of high-rise building labor certificates 2. The opportunity to be a resource person this time turned out to be a follow-up to the simulation and drill session at the Makassar Container Terminal for the same material: Vertical Rescue,  at that time on February 20, 2024.

Having a  Vertical Rescue Team  is very useful to be able to evacuate workers working at heights in an emergency quickly, responsively and safely.

TPS President Director, Wahyu Widodo, explained that TPS has implemented the  Corporate Life Saving Rule  (CLSR) standard that has been set by SPTP since the third quarter of 2024. This includes the obligation to form a  Vertical Rescue Team  tasked with mitigating the risk of accidents in the workplace involving work at heights. " This training or workshop is part of TPS's efforts to support the sustainable K3 strengthening program in the Pelindo Group work environment ," said Wahyu.

After participating in  this training  , workers in the Pelindo Group environment are expected to have technical knowledge of 4 aspects, namely Rescue Techniques in Vertical Fields, Use & Maintenance of  Vertical Rescue Equipment , Hazard Identification in Vertical Activities and  Self Rescue  &  Vertical Rescue Team 

"This training activity is very useful for us. We would like to thank the TPS Team who have provided knowledge on how to rescue people working at heights ," said M. Hariyanto, a participant from the Petuk Lamong Terminal.

As a follow-up, all terminals within the Pelindo/SPTP work area are required to have  certified vertical rescue emergency response personnel  and routinely conduct drills and simulations at each terminal.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom TPS Surabaya/email: islnewstv@gmall.com).


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  • Pelindo Terminal Petikemas or SPTP Conducts Vertical Rescue Training to Ensure Container Terminals as Safe Workplaces


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