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Namarin Says Plan to Merge PELNI and ASDP into Pelindo is Absurd

04/02/25, 11:19 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-04T04:25:06Z

- The idea of ​​merging PT ASDP and PT Pelni into PT Pelindo that was once proposed by Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir and has been approved by Minister of Transportation Dudy Purwagandhi is a misguided policy.

This was stated by the Director of the National Maritime Institute (Namarin), Siswanto Rusdi, Monday evening, February 3, 2025.

"Erick Thohir seems to have not thought long with the merger idea. This is a misguided and also crazy policy," Siswanto said.

According to him, the Pelindo merger is currently considered successful by many parties and so far there have been a number of achievements that deserve appreciation.

"However, that does not mean that there are no problems or challenges that have emerged and have not been resolved by top management to date," he explained.

Siswanto continued, with Pelni and ASDP joining the Pelindo ranks, of course the problems will get bigger.

He explained that the first challenge of this asymmetric integration is on the business side which is quite different. The first two entities are shipping companies while the second entity is a port operator.

"The Pelindo Board of Directors will clearly face management obstacles later because they do not have sufficient understanding in the shipping sector," he explained.

The condition would not be better if the new "resident" of the Pelindo group were later made a subsidiary that handles the company's business.

"The problem lies in the genetic incompatibility of the two business fields, like water and oil," he said.

He gave the example of the Malaysian shipping company, MISC, which is under the Petronas flag, which can be said to be "living reluctantly and not wanting to die".

The Pelindo Group does have a subsidiary in the shipping business, in this case Jasa Armada Indonesia (JAI), but this status does not automatically enable Pelindo to manage the shipping business.

The problem, said Siswanto, is that JAI is only a shipping company that operates in towing services around the port, while Pelni and ASDP are players in distant waters, aka across regions.

The next challenge according to Siswanto is the unpromising future of business.

"Both Pelni and ASDP are actually companies with mediocre performance. In fact, they are relatively bloody. The business segments they are engaged in are classified as unpromising fields," he said.

"If this is the minister's decision, hopefully this merger will go well," concluded Siswanto.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Namarin Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Namarin Says Plan to Merge PELNI and ASDP into Pelindo is Absurd


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