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PTP Nonpetikemas Achieves ISO 37001 Certification, Real Manifestation of Anti-Bribery Commitment

15/01/25, 12:26 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-15T05:28:40Z

 PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok (PTP) Nonpetikemas continues to be committed to improving operational standards and customer trust by implementing a measurable management system in every aspect of the business. One of the company's important achievements at the end of 2024 was successfully achieving ISO 37001:2016 certification, an international standard that regulates the Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP). This certification confirms PTP Nonpetikemas' commitment to implementing appropriate steps to prevent, reduce, and detect bribery practices, with the aim of ensuring compliance with globally recognized anti-corruption principles.

This ISO 37001:2016 certification is an important achievement after PTP Nonpetikemas previously obtained ISO 36000:2016 certification in 2022, which focuses on risk management and corporate governance. Every year, the scope of application of this standard continues to be expanded, with continuous evaluation of the implementation of the management system applied.

At the end of December 2024, PTP Nonpetikemas successfully obtained Recommended to Continue Certification status for ISO 37001:2016 for the Head Office and Cirebon Branch. In addition, the company also obtained Recommended to Certification for other branches, namely the Palembang Branch, Pangkal Balam Branch, and Bengkulu Branch. Previously, ISO 36000:2016 certification was only valid for the Cirebon Branch since 2023, but now it has been expanded to cover more branches.

Obtaining ISO 37001 certification confirms the company's commitment to preventing, detecting, and handling bribery risks, in line with efforts to achieve zero bribery. This is a form of the company's commitment to creating a clean business environment (zero fraud) free from fraud, bribery, extortion, gratification and corruption. This recommendation was obtained from the results of the SMAP ISO 37001:2016 External Audit conducted by BSI (British Standards Institution) in December 2024. This achievement is a strategic step that will be followed by other branches.

"A healthy and transparent work environment is the basis of strength to run a sustainable business, compete, and provide added value to the company. In addition, preventing bribery is a form of responsibility to stakeholders and communities and compliance with government regulations," said PTP Nonpetikemas President Director, Indra Hidayat Sani.

As part of the Pelindo Group, PTP Nonpetikemas also provides a Whistleblowing System (WBS) under the name Pelindo Bersih. WBS is a platform managed by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia to accommodate complaints from all Pelindo Groups to their subsidiaries. Through WBS, employees and related parties can report acts of bribery, gratification, or other violations, so that the company's transparency and accountability are maintained.


Pelindo Bersih WBS can be accessed through several communication channels, including:

WEBSITE : https://pelindobersih.pelindo.co.id

WHATSAPP : +62 811 933 2345 / +62 811 9511 665

PHONE : +62 21 2782 2345

EMAIL : pelindobersih@whistleblowing.link

Pelindo Bersih website is integrated with the KPK RI WBS Channel (AROMA). Management is fully committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the report content and the reporter's identity.

In addition, the company continues to prioritize the principles of fraud prevention and risk management to ensure compliance with organizational objectives and ISO 37001 requirements.

"All parts of the company are committed to complying with the anti-bribery guidelines that have been prepared by the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) sub-division. PTP personnel must understand, prevent, and overcome the occurrence of fraudulent practices in the company environment," explained Fiona Sari Utami, Senior Manager of Corporate Secretary of PTP Nonpetikemas.

With this achievement, PTP Nonpetikemas is committed to being a role model in implementing an anti-bribery management system in the logistics and port sector. This step also supports the Pelindo Bersih program as a form of corporate integrity. PTP Nonpetikemas continues to strive to build good governance to create a healthy and competitive business environment.

PTP Nonpetikemas is a non-container terminal operator in Indonesia that is experienced in handling the loading and unloading of liquid bulk cargo, dry bulk, general cargo and others. PTP Nonpetikemas has operated in 11 Port branches spread throughout strategic areas of Indonesia, namely DKI Jakarta-Tanjung Priok Port Branch, Banten-Banten Port Branch, West Java-Cirebon Branch, Lampung-Long Branch, Bengkulu-Bengkulu Branch, South Sumatra-Palembang Branch, Jambi-Jambi Branch, West Sumatra-Teluk Bayur Branch, Bangka Belitung Islands-Tanjung Pandan Branch and Pangkal Balam Branch and West Kalimantan-Pontianak Branch and Kijing Terminal.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom PTP Nonpetikemas/email: islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • PTP Nonpetikemas Achieves ISO 37001 Certification, Real Manifestation of Anti-Bribery Commitment


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