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Pelindo Multi Terminal Parepare Branch Optimally Serves Nataru Passengers 2024/2025

19/01/25, 08:37 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-19T01:37:59Z

  – PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo through Subholding PT Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT) has succeeded in providing excellent and optimal services to passengers during the 2024/2025 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holiday period. With a high commitment to passenger comfort and safety, SPMT Parepare. recorded an increase in activity without reducing the quality of service.

SPMT Parepare Branch Manager, I Nengah Suryana Jendra revealed, this success is the result of hard work and coordination of the entire operational team in the field. "We have prepared infrastructure, systems, and personnel since long ago to ensure passengers can enjoy a safe and comfortable trip during the Nataru holiday," he said.

During the Christmas and New Year holiday period, SPMT Parepare Branch recorded passenger traffic of 79,266 people, an increase of 3.41% compared to the previous year's Christmas and New Year period. This number was recorded in the period from December 10, 2024 to January 9, 2025 (D-15 to D+15).

To anticipate the spike, I Nengah Suryana Jendra, said that he has implemented preparatory steps in the form of preparing operational and supporting facilities and readiness of technological support. In addition, the priority is coordination with the Ministry of Transportation and other Government Agencies and port stakeholders to ensure the safety, security and smoothness of passenger activities.

"The smoothness of passenger services during the Christmas and New Year period is also supported by the integrated Christmas and New Year Transportation Post which collaborates with various stakeholders who function as a center for supervision, coordination, and information in monitoring passenger comfort and safety conditions," added I Nengah Suryana Jendra.

Head of the Class III Parepare Harbormaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP), Shaiful Horry explained that the success of passenger services during the Nataru period cannot be separated from the good cooperation of a number of stakeholders in the port environment.

"We appreciate the hard work of various parties who have supported the smooth flow of passengers during the Nataru period. Hopefully, this year's achievements can be used as learning evaluation material for future implementation so that the quality of sea transportation passenger services can continue to be improved from time to time," said Shaiful Horry.

Moving forward, SPMT will continue to innovate and improve its services, ensuring a better travel experience for passengers. The commitment to continue providing the best service is a top priority for SPMT, not only during the holidays, but throughout the year.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Public Relations of Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Multi Terminal Parepare Branch Optimally Serves Nataru Passengers 2024/2025


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