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IPCM or PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk., Business Profile (English Laguage)

18/01/25, 11:14 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-18T04:15:46Z


 IPCM  is the name or Stock Code of PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk./PT JAI Tbk. which has a business service, namely providing guidance & towing services to ensure smooth and safe anchoring for ships entering and leaving Seaports, Inland Waterways, and Offshore Ship-to-Ship Activities (STS) Oil & Gas.

Based on the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) regulations in accordance with international regulations, all vessels above 500 GT are subject to pilotage and towing, where mandated port operators and STS operators must provide such activities under Indonesian maritime law.

Pilotage is basically an activity under the State Authority, where it is delegated and mandated to each port operator as a representative of the state.

All :

To be a facilitator of trade growth through world-class pilotage and towing services in the port ecosystem”


Mission :

"Maximizing added value for stakeholders "


Company Values ​​:

In order to realize the role of State-Owned Enterprises as engines of economic growth, social welfare accelerators, job providers, and talent providers, a transformation of State-Owned Enterprises' Human Resources is needed, one of which is through the determination of the Core Values ​​of State-Owned Enterprises' Human Resources as an identity and glue for work culture that supports sustainable performance improvement.

IPC through letter Number OT.02.02/23/7/I/BDP/BDM/PI.II.2020 dated July 23, 2020 concerning the Implementation of One Single Core Values ​​AKHLAK in the IPC Group.

The Company's core values ​​are based on the company's aspirations and basic principles which are believed to be very important for business performance and growth.



As a professional, independent, integrity and sustainable company, PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk always bases all its activities on the principles of good corporate governance (GCG). Compliance with these GCG principles is applied to all company activities, one of which is by providing public information and documentation services as evidence of the company's transparency efforts and implementation of public information disclosure.

e-PPID Services

The e-PPID service is an online service intended to facilitate public information applicants in submitting information and documentation requests to PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk. Wherever you are, you can submit a Public Information request by filling out the information request form provided.

Head Office Address:

PELTO Building or Pelindo Tower Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 09 North Jakarta 


(ISL News Editorial Team/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ). 

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  • IPCM or PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk., Business Profile (English Laguage)


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