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Cirebon Harbor Master's Office and Port Authority Establish Cooperation with PT. CIREBON ELECTRIC POWER for the Use of TUKS WATERS

16/01/25, 11:02 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-16T04:02:45Z

 The Cirebon Class II Harbormaster and Port Authority Office (KSOP) together with PT. Cirebon Electric Power signed a Cooperation Agreement on the Use of Terminal Waters for Self-Interest (TUKS). The signing was carried out directly by the Head of the Cirebon Class II KSOP Office, Ferry Anggoro Hendianto, S.Si.T., MMTr. and President Director of PT. Cirebon Electric Power Hisahiro Takeuchi at the Cirebon Class II KSOP Office Hall, Thursday (16/1/2024).

Ferry said that the Cooperation Agreement has a very important meaning, both in the context of business, law, and the relationship between the parties involved. This kind of agreement ensures that the agreement between two or more parties is carried out in a clear manner and in accordance with applicable legal provisions. 

"PT. Cirebon Electric Power has now fulfilled the legal requirements in the eyes of the law to establish a Terminal for its own interests by fulfilling all requirements and various studies to accelerate the provision of significant electrical energy in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java," explained Ferry.

Ferry added that through the signing of the third amendment to the cooperation agreement, it is expected to provide legal clarity, rights, obligations and responsibilities between the Port Authority Office and Class II Cirebon Port Authority with PT. Cirebon Electric Power related to the area used, the term of the agreement and the payment procedures that have been determined and agreed upon by both parties.

"With the signing, it is hoped that an effective and efficient relationship will be created, minimizing risks and increasing state treasury revenues," said Ferry.

At the same time, Ferry stated that with the signing of this agreement, he hoped it could be implemented properly and have a positive impact on the progress of Indonesia's maritime world.

For information, a Terminal for Self-Interest is a terminal located within the Port Work Area and Port Interest Area which is part of the port to serve its own interests in accordance with its main business as regulated in Ministerial Regulation No. 52 of 2021 concerning Special Terminals and Self-Interest Terminals.

(ISL News Editorial Team/MM/FAH/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 


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  • Cirebon Harbor Master's Office and Port Authority Establish Cooperation with PT. CIREBON ELECTRIC POWER for the Use of TUKS WATERS


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