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Pelindo Regional 2 Palembang or Boom Baru Port Degree Of Coffee Morning Event “Building Synergy to Create Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Ports”

23/11/24, 10:07 WIB Last Updated 2024-11-23T03:09:44Z

 – Pelindo Regional 2 Palembang or Boom Baru Port Held a Coffee Morning Event at The Alts Hotel, Tuesday (11/19). The event carried the theme “Building Synergy to Create an Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Port”, and was attended by various stakeholders and port service users.

On that occasion, the South Sumatra Quarantine Officer conveyed his commitment to support efforts to create an environmentally friendly port through synergy with Pelindo and related parties. The Head of South Sumatra Quarantine, Kostan Manalu, said that the sustainability of the port is not only about operational aspects, but also includes protection of the environment around the port.

"We are ready to collaborate to support environmentally friendly initiatives at Boom Baru Port, both through strict supervision of biosecurity and the implementation of environmentally friendly standards in quarantine activities," he said.

This "coffee morning" event is a forum for productive discussion between government agencies, port operators, and service users to formulate strategic steps in realizing a port that is not only operationally efficient, but also in line with the principles of sustainability.

Support from South Sumatra Quarantine and other agencies reflects a shared commitment to creating a sustainable port ecosystem. The Boom Baru Palembang Port is expected to be a pioneer of green ports in South Sumatra, while supporting economic development that continues to prioritize environmental sustainability.


(ISL News Editorial Team/email:islnewstvc@gmail.com).  

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  • Pelindo Regional 2 Palembang or Boom Baru Port Degree Of Coffee Morning Event “Building Synergy to Create Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Ports”


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