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Pelindo Jasa Maritim or SPJM Collaborates with DPP INSA, Discusses Ship Package Tariffs

04/11/24, 04:11 WIB Last Updated 2024-11-03T21:11:24Z


 Collaboration is the key to creating better and more efficient services. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) through SPJM together with DPP INSA discussed to find a solution for ship package rates that support all parties in the maritime industry! ⁣⁣

"With this audience, we are optimistic that there will be more competitive, transparent services that support national economic growth."

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPJM/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 


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  • Pelindo Jasa Maritim or SPJM Collaborates with DPP INSA, Discusses Ship Package Tariffs


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