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IPC TPK Board of Commissioners Reorganized and Expanded

01/11/24, 07:00 WIB Last Updated 2024-11-06T00:47:54Z

  - The composition of the Board of Commissioners of IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK has changed in accordance with the Decision of the Shareholders Outside the General Meeting of Shareholders. This is stated in the Decision of the Shareholders Outside the General Meeting of Shareholders Regarding the Replacement of Commissioners of PT IPC Terminal Petikemas Number: HM.03.03/21/10/3/PAPU/DRTU/PLTP-24 and Number: SK.03/21/10/1/DIRU/DIRU/PII-24 on Monday, October 21, 2024 which is also the effective date of the term of office of the Board of Commissioners.

Changes to the Board of Commissioners through a Decision of Shareholders Outside the General Meeting of Shareholders appointing Husna as the Company's Independent Commissioner and Chaerudin Affan as the Company's Independent Commissioner and ending the term of office of Kiki Rizki Yoctavian as the Company's Independent Commissioner.

The old IPC TPK Board of Commissioners is as follows:
1. Asmai Ishak as Main Commissioner
2. Muarip as Commissioner
3. Eko Putro Adijayanto as Commissioner
4. Sabri Saiman as Commissioner
5. Kiki Rizki Yoctavian as Independent Commissioner

In full, the following is the line-up of the IPC TPK Board of Commissioners as of October 21, 2024:
1. Asmai Ishak as President Commissioner
2. Muarip as Commissioner
3. Eko Putro Adijayanto as Commissioner
4. Sabri Saiman as Commissioner
5. Husna as Independent Commissioner
6. Chaerudin Affan as Independent Commissioner

"On behalf of IPC TPK management, I would like to express my gratitude for the best contribution that Kiki Rizki Yoctavian has given during his duties as Commissioner at IPC TPK through input and views on policies for the progress of the company. On this occasion, I would also like to congratulate Mrs. Husna and Mr. Chaerudin Affan on joining the ranks of the IPC TPK Board of Commissioners." said Guna Mulyana, President Director of IPC TPK.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 

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  • IPC TPK Board of Commissioners Reorganized and Expanded


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