SURABAYA (ISL News) - Terminal Teluk Lamong or commonly abbreviated as TTL, is geographically located in the border area of Surabaya and Gresik Regency and is a multi-purpose terminal between two ports, namely Gresik Port in the West and Tanjung Perak Port in the East.
From the analysis of the ISL News Editorial Team, TTL is referred to as a Multipurpose Terminal, because in its operations TTL serves international and domestic loading and unloading activities.
In addition, TTL also serves container loading and unloading activities and also bulk loading and unloading.
In general, the company development phase is divided into five phases, namely:
- The early development stage from 2013 to 2014, which was the initial stage of the company's establishment.
- The industry leader development phase in 2015 to 2016, which is the development phase to become an efficient and environmentally friendly company.
- The Emerging Industry Leader phase from 2017 to 2021, which is the phase in which Teluk Lamong Terminal continues to develop its business.
- The industry leader phase in 2022 to 2026, where the Company continues to develop the third phase to achieve the target of becoming a leading terminal in the port industry.
- The final stage of the Company's development phase is from 2027 to 2030, where the Teluk Lamong Terminal will become a world-class terminal that is a benchmark for other terminals in the world.
It is undeniable that the operation of Teluk Lamong Terminal has brought much progress to both East Java and the nation. The company's achievements tend to be positive after efforts to prioritize services that are in accordance with consumer needs have been consistently carried out to compete in the global market.
Currently, Teluk Lamong Terminal is the main driver of the regional and national economy, providing integrated services for faster and safer distribution of goods from and to the eastern part of Indonesia. This will also strengthen Indonesia's position as the world's maritime axis.
Establishment History:
1. The construction of the Teluk Lamong Terminal was first initiated in 1994. The planning of the Teluk Lamong Terminal project was based on a study up to 2010 that the flow of containers, liquid bulk, dry bulk and general cargo would be over capacity.
From the results of the initial feasibility study from the Community Service Institute (LPM) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, it was recommended that the Tambak Osowilangun area, Benowo District is the most suitable location.
2. In 2013, Teluk Lamong Terminal contracted for the procurement of 10 Ship to Shore crane units, 20 Automated Stacking Crane (ASC). And 50 Combined Terminal Trailer (CTT) units.
3. In 2014, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) inaugurated the operation (FIRST) of Teluk Lamong Terminal which was marked by the loading and unloading service of domestic ships owned by PT Maskapai Pelayaran Pulau Laut, MV Intan Daya 4.
4. The dry bulk unloading service was officially opened with service to the MV Palona which was loaded with soybeans and unloaded 30,262 tons.
5. In 2019, the MV Nord Draco ship unloaded the largest soybean powder with a load of 65,994 tons where all the cargo was unloaded at the Teluk Lamong Terminal. This places the company as one of the single port destinations for dry bulk terminal services.
6. 2021, Teluk Lamong Terminal transforms into S-PTP Teluk Lamong. That the realization of the Pelindo merger (October 2021) provides optimism to the Indonesian people, that national ports will continue to grow and ultimately be able to compete with major world port players. TTL becomes one of the subsidiaries of S-PTP (Subholding PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas).
Vision: "To become the best Green Smart Terminal".
Mission: Providing terminals & logistics services through the application of digitalization principles and good corporate governance, by:
- Implementing the concept of environmentally friendly terminals consistently.
- Creating innovative business solutions through integration & synergy.
- Creating a healthy and strong corporate culture.
Facility :
1. Pier: Supported by 5 domestic cranes and 5 international cranes (twinlift) to ensure smooth loading and unloading processes.
2. Main Gate: As a means of data validation that uses the principle of tapping ID cards to determine the location of container blocks and dry bulk.
3. Stacking Field: Supported by 20 ASC (Automated Stacking Crane) units which are operated centrally in the operator room.
Office Address of Teluk Lamong Terminal: Jl. Raya Tambak Osowilangun Km 12 Surabaya 60191 (+62) 31 99001500 www.teluklamong.co.id
(ISL News Editorial Team/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).