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Container flow at Terminal Teluk Lamong atau TTL increased by 8% to 658,526 TEUs in the third quarter

20/10/24, 16:36 WIB Last Updated 2024-10-20T09:38:56Z


 - PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) recorded positive performance in the third quarter of 2024. The number of ship visits increased by 8%, from 1,109 ships in 2023 to 1,199 ships this year.

Due to the increase in the number of ship visits, Year On Year (YOY) the number of container flows also increased by 8% from the previous year, namely 610,600 TEUs in 2023 to 658,526 TEUs this year. Dry bulk cargo at TTL also increased by 7% from the previous year, namely 2,731,860 tons in 2023 to 2,914,695 tons in 2024.

The increase in the number of ship visits that affect the increase in container and dry bulk cargo flows is the result of effective and efficient operational services so that ship berthing times ( port stays ) are shorter and allow ships' berthing places at the dock to be immediately replaced by other ships.

In addition to the increase in container flow, there is an increase in domestic transhipment containers from Western Indonesia to Eastern Indonesia such as Ambon, Sorong, Manokwari and Jayapura from 33,978 TEUs in 2023 to 47,123 TEUs this year, or an increase of 39%. With the increase in domestic transhipment, PT Terminal Teluk Lamong has become one of the terminal hubs in Eastern Indonesia.

David Pandapotan Sirait, President Director of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong said that excellent operations will be a boost to performance. Terminal Teluk Lamong is also expected to be a good bridge for connectivity between Western and Eastern Indonesia.

"By optimizing operational services based on planning and control, PT Terminal Teluk Lamong will be able to provide fast and efficient services for service users," said David. 

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom Terminal Teluk Lamong/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Container flow at Terminal Teluk Lamong atau TTL increased by 8% to 658,526 TEUs in the third quarter


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