JAKARTA (ISL News) - PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) (“BKI”) as the parent of the Holding BUMN Jasa Survey, held the 2024 Technical Committee Meeting held at PT BKI (Persero) to review and validate the latest technical rule updates. This meeting was also attended by the Director of Operations on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at PT BKI (Persero).
This Technical Committee meeting was held to validate the process of developing technical regulations in a transparent and objective manner. The review of the validated regulations was carried out by members of the Technical Committee who are stakeholders in the relevant industry. This meeting was led by Ir. Anita Puji Utami, ST., MAP., IPM as Chair of the PT BKI Technical Committee for the 2023-2025 period, with support from Dr. Fredhi Agung Prasetyo, ST, M.Eng. as Secretary. The members of the Technical Committee consist of representatives from the Government, Academics, Professional Organizations and Associations related to the maritime industry.
BKI Operations Director in his speech stated, “This validation process is an important step to ensure that every regulation we issue is not only in accordance with international standards, but also relevant to the needs of the maritime industry in Indonesia. We believe that with the support of the Technical Committee, BKI can continue to make significant contributions in maintaining the safety and security of ship operations.”
The Chairperson of the Technical Committee, Ir. Anita Puji Utami, ST., MAP., IPM, also added, “We are always committed to ensuring that every regulation developed has gone through a rigorous and objective review process. Input from the members of the Technical Committee is invaluable in ensuring that these regulations can be implemented well in the field and are in accordance with the latest technological developments and regulations.”
Through this session, BKI hopes to ensure that the regulations issued can continue to follow changes and developments in the maritime industry, while ensuring shipping safety. This development process is expected to be an important momentum in strengthening BKI's commitment to improving safety and efficiency standards in the Indonesian maritime sector.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom BKI/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).