BANJARMASIN (ISL News) - PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) as the Lead Holding of BUMN Survey Services carried out Monitoring and Evaluation activities for the BKI Madya Klas Banjarmasin Branch Office & BKI Pratama Commercial Banjarmasin Branch Office from 5 to 7 September 2024 by the PT BKI (Persero) Board of Commissioners Team led by Mr. Susyanto as the Main Commissioner of PT BKI (Persero).
Also attending were Mr. Wiyono (VP. Survey) Head Office of PT BKI (Persero), Board of Commissioners, Ms. Diane Christina (PRTK Committee), Mr. Bangun Tiroi RH (Audit Committee), Mr. Herry Sudradjat (NR.SDM Committee).
(Redaksi ISL News/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).