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Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL Supports National Logistics Distribution Efficiency

11/07/24, 19:37 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-11T12:38:22Z

(ISL News) - PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik (“SPSL”) as Pelindo's Subholding in the logistics and hinterland development sector participated in a Discussion Forum between stakeholders packaged in Ngobrol Santai which took place at the Sunlake Waterfront Resort & Convention Hotel Jakarta (2/7/2024).

The Casual Chat event themed "Realizing National Logistics Efficiency" was initiated by the Indonesia Port Editors' Club (IPEC) and is expected to be an interactive and solution-oriented event to identify obstacles to the smooth flow of goods in order to realize effective and efficient logistics services.

At the event, SPSL President Director Joko Noerhudha had the opportunity to be a resource person with the topic “Efforts to Build Port-Hinterland Connectivity ”.

"We really appreciate this activity, because realizing the efficiency of national logistics distribution is a shared challenge, both for stakeholders and logistics actors. We all have to establish good collaboration and synergy, so that our shared goal of national logistics distribution efficiency can be realized," said Joko Noerhudha.

The Casual Chat event was opened by the Head of the Sub-Directorate of Service and Ports of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, I Komang Wisnu Dananjaya, and also present as speakers at the event, Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi (Head of FIATA Asia Pacific region), Asmari Heri (Shipping Practitioner), Akbar Djohan (General Chairperson of DPP ALFI), Deputy General Chairperson of the DPP Indonesian Truck Entrepreneurs Association (APTRINDO) Tata Djuarsa, and Secretary General of DPP APBMI AJD Korompis.

"For logistics business actors, the efficiency of transportation logistics is always the number one concern. Therefore, business actors need simple interaction and integration," said Komang Wisnu in his speech representing the Director General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Antoni Arif Priadi.

According to him, this is a shared challenge for stakeholders and really needs support and collaboration in the government logistics platform, which is integrated into one efficient system.

"One of the efforts made by Pelindo in reducing logistics costs is by improving the performance of port services that can shorten berth turn round times so that they can increase sailing cycle times, this is expected to contribute to reducing logistics costs," concluded Joko Noerhudha.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPSL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL Supports National Logistics Distribution Efficiency


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