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Pelindo Regional 4 Celebrates National Children's Day with the Theme "How to Be a Good Mother"

24/07/24, 15:56 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-24T08:58:05Z

 – PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 4 held a training activity “How to Be a Good Mother” to celebrate National Children's Day 2024, Wednesday (24/7/2024).

The training held at Posyandu Nusa Indah 2, Tallo Village, Makassar City is also one of the Company's Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) Programs, Education and Health Sector.

Division Head of Human Resources and General Services of Pelindo Regional 4, Basri Alam said that the training activities targeting mothers with babies and toddlers, as well as pregnant women will be held for 1 month in four different sub-districts around the Makassar New Port (MNP) development project.

"Today [Wednesday, 24/7] is the first day of training on How to Be a Good Mother and Tallo Sub-district is the first to receive it. Next, training like this will also be held in three other sub-districts around the MNP development project, namely Buloa Sub-district, Cambaya Sub-district, and Kaluku Bodoa Sub-district," explained Basri.

According to him, the implementation of the training follows the integrated health post schedule in each sub-district.

Basri explained that in this training activity, his party presented a speaker, namely the Psychologist of the Family Learning Center (Puspaga) of Makassar City, Kasmayani Karim, with the moderator being a General Practitioner at the Masyita Mother and Child Hospital in Makassar City, Reski Ayu Anzar.

There are three things to be achieved in the training. The first is Effective Communication, how the resource person teaches how to communicate with children, resolve conflicts, and express affection.

"Then Positive Discipline, which teaches positive discipline techniques and setting boundaries in relationships, the dangers of free sex, drugs, and the importance of education and the risks of early marriage. Then there is Positive Parent-Child Relationship, which is expected to help build a positive and mutually supportive relationship between parents and children," he explained.

Meanwhile, Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4, Abdul Azis said that Social and Environmental Responsibility or TJSL is one of the Company's programs that must be fulfilled and implemented every year.

"The goal of the Pelindo TJSL program is to improve the standard of living of the community, especially in the company's work environment area with a focus on three areas, namely Education, MSMEs or Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, and Environmental Development," said Abdul Azis.

He hopes that what Pelindo has done, especially through TJSL programs, can be directly felt by the wider community. "Hopefully what Pelindo has provided so far can be useful, especially for children and the community around the port area," he said.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Pelindo Regional 4 Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Regional 4 Celebrates National Children's Day with the Theme "How to Be a Good Mother"


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