JAKARTA (ISL News) - PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL as the Subholding of Pelindo Ports announced that the Cibitung - Cilincing Toll Road (JTCC) built and operated by the SPSL Group through PT Cibitung Tanjung Priok Port Tollways (PT CTP Tollways) has been fully connected to five toll road sections in the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) 2 Toll Road network with the inauguration of the Cimanggis - Cibitung (Cimaci) Toll Road by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia on July 9, 2024.
Senior Vice President of the SPSL Corporate Secretariat, Kiki M. Hikmat, said that the inauguration of the Cimanggis-Cibitung Toll Road Section 2B Nagrak-Cibitung by Vice President (Wapres) KH Ma'ruf Amin marked an important moment, namely the full connection of JORR-2 from Cengkareng (Soekarno Hatta Airport) at the western end and Cilincing (Tanjung Priok Port).
"The overall connection of JORR-2 will facilitate the movement of people and goods, especially for heavy vehicles transporting logistics from the western region which have previously passed through busy routes, can go directly through JTCC to and from Tanjung Priok Port, which will smooth the flow of logistics and public mobility," said Kiki.
President Director of PT CTP Tollways, Ari Sunaryono added that JTCC is ready to accommodate the flow of vehicles from the south and facilitate the smooth movement of people and goods including logistics vehicles from and to the port, and the closest is from the MM2100 Cibitung Industrial Area via the Setu Utara Cimaci Interchange.
According to data from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), the total length of the JORR 2 Toll Road reaches 111 kilometers and consists of six toll road sections, namely the Cengkareng-Kunciran, Kunciran-Serpong, Serpong-Cinere, Cinere-Jagorawi, Cimanggis-Cibitung, and Cibitung-Cilincing Toll Roads. This completion marks the completion of the toll road network structure in the Jabodetabek area, which previously had the Inner Ring Road and the JORR 1 Toll Road, thus creating a more integrated and efficient transportation system.
In line with the strategic steps conveyed by Vice President (Wapres) KH Ma'ruf Amin, the Government is strongly committed to creating national connectivity to support economic growth and expansion of equitable development. One of these efforts is being boosted through the construction of toll roads. The Vice President emphasized the importance of the principle of sustainability in toll road construction.
"The construction of this toll road is the beginning of achieving a bigger goal, namely prosperity and equitable development," he said.
"The full operation of the JORR 2 Toll Road is expected to reduce congestion, speed up travel time, and provide more alternative routes for road users. This will certainly have a significant positive impact on logistics and goods distribution activities in this region, as well as support regional and national economic growth," concluded Kiki.
Information related to the Cibitung - Cilincing Toll Road (JTCC) and emergency situations can be accessed by the public by contacting the numbers below:
1. Info Call Center JTCC : (021) 8952 6545
2. RS Hermina Grandwis : 021 – 8265 1212
3. Karya Medika Hospital 1: 021 – 8903 00304
4. Transportation Agency of Bekasi Regency: 021 – 8911 3855
5. Bekasi Metro Police Department: 021 – 8911 4933
6. West Cikarang Police Station: 021 – 8832 3550
7. West Cikarang Fire Department: 021 – 2213 7870
8. Bekasi Regency Fire Department: 021 – 8911 9000
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPSL/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).