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Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Revalidates 36 Ship Safety Auditors

23/05/24, 09:32 WIB Last Updated 2024-05-23T02:34:31Z

 The Ministry of Transportation cq the Directorate General of Sea Transportation through the Directorate of Shipping and Maritime Affairs is revalidating the International Safety Management (ISM) Code auditor to improve shipping safety. This program aims to improve the technical competence of auditors who already have the legality of carrying out audits based on confirmation by the Director General of Sea Transportation


Head of KSOP Class I Tanjung Emas Semarang, Herwanto, who in this case represents the Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, stated that this revalidation is important to ensure that ISM Code auditors remain competent and adaptive to the latest developments.


"Ship Safety Inspector Officials who have been confirmed as ISM Code auditors are required to take part in revalidation every five years," he said when opening the event in Semarang.


Herwanto added that shipping safety really depends on the condition of the ship which meets seaworthiness requirements. The Directorate General of Sea Transportation, through the ISM Code auditors, is responsible for ensuring that Indonesian shipping companies and commercial vessels implement the Safety Management System effectively to ensure the safety of passengers and goods transported.


"This system must be well recorded and documented and adapted to the latest developments. Effective implementation requires strong coordination between regulators and operators," he said.


Apart from that, ISM Code Auditors are required to always be adaptive to developments. He cited the example of the COVID-19 Pandemic which necessitated adjustments to the Safety Management System, with the IMO issuing additional guidance for dealing with the pandemic on ships.


"Auditor revalidation also includes these adjustments, ensuring auditors have competencies that are relevant to the latest situation," he explained.


Ministry of Transportation Revalidates 36 ISM Code Auditors


On the same occasion, Head of Sub-Directorate for Pollution Prevention and Management of Ship Safety and Environmental Protection in Waterways, Capt. Miftakhul Hadi said that this year's revalidation was attended by 36 participants who were representatives of the Directorate of Shipping and Maritime Affairs and the Technical Implementation Unit of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.


"ISM Code auditors carry out revalidation in addition to updating their knowledge and technical skills in carrying out safety management audits for ship operations, as well as re-establishing the legality of their positions," he said.


The material presented covers various aspects related to ship safety management based on the ISM Code and related laws and regulations.


This activity also presented resource persons who were experienced experts in the field of safety management and preventing pollution from ships.


"It is hoped that this activity can strengthen the commitment of all parties in implementing the Safety Management System consistently, to ensure the operational safety and security of Indonesian-flagged commercial vessels," he concluded.


For information, the ISM Code auditors also received direct virtual guidance from the Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Hartanto, who is currently attending the Maritime Safety Committee Session in London.

(Editor of ISL News/SKY/MM/HB/Hubla).

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  • Ditjen Perhubungan Laut Revalidates 36 Ship Safety Auditors


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