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Yukki Nugrahawan H. Appointed as Commissioners of Pelindo Solusi Logistik/SPSL

05/03/24, 08:03 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-05T01:06:24Z

 – Starting March 1 2024, the ranks of the Board of Commissioners of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik or SPSL will also be replaced by shareholders.

Therefore, the entire SPSL extended family would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Sjahrian Kurnia R. Harahap, and Mr. Nicodemus Sitanggang for their service, dedication, inspiration, enthusiasm and achievements for SPSL and would like to welcome and have a good job to Mr. Yukki Nugrahawan H. and Mr. Sahat Manaor Panggabean for his new mandate at SPSL.

Hopefully this change will be able to realize the company's vision, namely to become the best solution provider for an integrated logistics ecosystem.

“Moving for Purpose, Advancing for Solutions”.

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  • Yukki Nugrahawan H. Appointed as Commissioners of Pelindo Solusi Logistik/SPSL


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