SURABAYA (ISL News) - PT Pelindo Marine Service or commonly called Pelindo Marines is part of the Indonesian Port BUMN business group which operates in the field of ship services.
Pelindo Marines' services include ship towing services at ports, pilot boat operations, tug-assist ship services for offshore operations, ship repair services, ship agency services, and others.
Pelindo Marines has 3 subsidiaries, namely PT Alur Pelayaran Barat Surabaya which manages shipping channel services and revitalization of port channels and pools, PT Pelindo Energi Logistik with energy and storage tank logistics services, and PT Berkah Multi Cargo which provides multimodal transportation services.
For information, please contact: Hafidz Novalsyah, VP of Corporate Communications & Stakeholder Relations, PT Pelindo Marine Service, Pelindo Place 16th Floor, Jl. Perak Timur 478, Surabaya, Email : hafidz.novalsyah@pelindomarines.com
(Editorial ISL News/Corcom PMS/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).