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11/03/24, 15:48 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-11T08:49:25Z

 - Pelindo Sub Regional Java received a visit from the MV cruise ship. Insignia weighs 30,277 GT with a length of 180 meters this morning (11/3). This ship is the first to dock at Tanjung Perak Port in Surabaya in the last 3 years after the government allowed cruise ship visits after Covid-19 ended. The arrival of this cruise ship has once again triggered economic growth in the tourism sector for Surabaya and its surroundings. This Marshall Islands-flagged ship was carrying 601 passengers and 401 crew members of the multinational ship. This ship has just visited the port of Benoa-Bali and will continue its journey to Muara Brunei Darussalam this afternoon at 18.00 WIB.

Ship passengers were welcomed with a performance of traditional East Javanese dances, Reog Ponorogo and also the Tourist Information Center service which was opened by the Department of Culture, Youth and Sports and Tourism of the City of Surabaya.

It was seen that the tourists who got off the ship were very enthusiastic about capturing the moment with the dancers and Cak & Ning Suroboyo. It's not just the welcome that amazes the tourists, the exhibition of unique goods on display at the MSME outlets also grabs the attention of the tourists. Like one of the MSME outlets that sells batik cloth in various colors and patterns.

And tourists also compete to taste various typical Indonesian foods and drinks and are seen buying up various other kinds of souvenirs.

Tourists who will continue their tour of the city of Surabaya are also presented with typical East Javanese dances. While in Surabaya, Destination Asia Tour & Travel acted as a Tourist Travel Bureau (BPW) for hundreds of passengers who took tour packages to various tourist attractions in East Java. Meanwhile, other passengers chose to become free individual travelers. While in Tanjung Perak, Bahari Eka Nusantara Lines acts as an agent that supplies various needs for cruise ships owned by the Oceania Cruises company.

Travel tour service providers are also ready to provide services and services for tourists who want to travel to various tourist destinations in Surabaya such as Kampung Lawas Maspati, Tugu Pahlawan, Kepanjen Church, Sanggar Agung in Kenpark, to the Customs Market and Genteng Market. However, there are also those who like heritage nuanced tour packages such as Tunjungan, Hotel Majapahit, Joko Dolog, and City Hall. It is hoped that in the future Pelindo Sub Regional Java can provide even better services and can offer more diverse facilities, MSME outlets and tourist destinations to attract more tourists visiting Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya.

Dhany Rachmad Agustian, General Manager of Kalimas and GSN Pelindo Sub Regional 3 Java said that this is the 4th ship to dock at Tanjung Perak Port during 2024.

"To date, there are 14 cruise ship visit slots which are planned to dock at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya in 2024," he added.

Pelindo Sub Regional 3 Java is also increasingly aggressive in preparing all supporting facilities to welcome the arrival of cruise ships later.

Dhany Rachmad Agustian as General Manager of Kalimas and GSN PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Sub Regional 3 Java also gave souvenirs and pinned East Javanese udeng and garlanded Capt. Marohe Brajcic. Dhany also gave a welcome sentence and provided an explanation about tourism and iconic places in the city of Surabaya. This received a very good and enthusiastic response from the ship's crew, especially Capt. Marohe Brajcic who looked very happy when using the udeng and invited Dhany and the team around to see the various facilities on the MV.Insignia cruise ship.

(ISL News Editorial/Regional Public Relations Head 3 Surabaya/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).  

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