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Ministry of Transportation Holds Technical Guidance on Implementation of Carrier Single Submission System or Carrier SSm

06/03/24, 08:28 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-06T01:29:24Z

 - In order to facilitate access to logistics services through collaboration with government systems, especially at ports, the National Single Window Institute has developed a collaborative application system called the Carrier Single Submission System or Carrier SSm.

The Carrier SSm has currently been tested at 46 Ports and in line with the publication of Circular Letter number SE-DJPL 2 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of Full (Mandatory) Services/Single Submission (Carrier SSm) One Cycle and Domestic Manifest Service Information by the Ministry of Transportation.

This was conveyed by the Director of Traffic and Sea Transportation, Capt. Hendri Ginting when opening the Technical Guidance activity for the SSm Pengangkut Application which is Integrated with the Inaportnet Application.

This Technical Guidance activity is an important momentum in joint efforts to realize efficiency and effectiveness of services at the port. It is hoped that collaboration between stakeholders will continue to be sustainable in order to achieve common goals in advancing Indonesia's maritime transportation sector.

"The Ministry of Transportation is committed to continuing to encourage the implementation of NLE to run well in the field and is committed to synergizing with stakeholders at the port so that implementation continues to be sustainable," he said.

Technical Guidance for the Carrier SSm Application which is Integrated with the Inaportnet Wave 1 Application aims to increase the knowledge and abilities of officers at the Port and related stakeholders in

the use of SSm Pengakkut application to improve ship and goods traffic services at the port.

Capt. Hendri expressed his appreciation to all parties who have contributed to implementing the National Logistics Ecosystem. Collaboration between relevant vertical agencies, Heads of Technical Implementation Units at Ports, and all teams involved in the field is a reflection of their shared commitment to support the implementation of Presidential Instruction Number 5 of 2020 concerning Structuring the National Logistics Ecosystem.

"It is hoped that the implementation of the SSm Pengangkut application can be a concrete step in increasing the effectiveness of services at the port," he said.

The Implementing Coordinator of Stranas PK, Febriantoro, also gave his views regarding the development of the SSm Pengangkut application. He said that digitalization in port services was a positive step in responding to the Stranas PK program.

"The Carrier SSM is proof of the real work of changing service bureaucracy in the port sector from previously being manual to now being digitized, which supports the real form of support for the Stranas PK program," he said.

Stranas PK appreciates the collaboration between the Ministry of Transportation and related Ministries/Institutions in efforts to improve services at ports; Stranas PK is open to discussion or support if its implementation encounters obstacles or there are matters that must be coordinated.

On the same occasion, the Director of Immigration and Customs and Excise, Rudi Rahmadi, said that although logistics costs have decreased in Indonesia, they are still the highest in the ASEAN region. Collaboration between relevant Ministries/Institutions is the key to achieving the target of reducing logistics costs by up to 8% by 2045. In this case, the SSm Pengangkut application is expected to make a significant contribution.

"Let's be more collaborative together to create one face of Government, minimize duplication and repetition and increase data accuracy between Ministries/Agencies which can provide convenience for business actors both in terms of time and costs," he concluded.

(Editorial ISL News/HUBLA/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Ministry of Transportation Holds Technical Guidance on Implementation of Carrier Single Submission System or Carrier SSm


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