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Pelindo Increasingly Solid, Containers in 2023 Reach 17.7 Million TEUs

14/02/24, 09:18 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-14T02:26:01Z

 In the midst of dynamic economic conditions, Pelindo succeeded in serving container flows of 17.7 million TEUs throughout 2023, growing 3% compared to 2022 (year on year/yoy). Meanwhile, the flow of goods was recorded at 170 million tonnes, an increase of 6% from the previous year.

"Pelindo's overall operational performance will grow further in 2023. This achievement continues the positive trend after the merger in October 2021." explained Arif

In 2023, the flow of ships served by Pelindo will reach 1.28 billion Gross Tonnage (GT), an increase of 7% from last year. Meanwhile, passenger flow increased significantly by 20% (yoy) or reached 18.1 million people.

Centralized management is one of the keys to improving operational performance. Arif explained that this allows Pelindo to have better strategic control, making it easier to carry out end-to-end operational service transformations such as creating standardization of port operational service systems which previously varied between ports.

Pelindo has also innovated by launching various applications to facilitate port activities, such as TOS (Terminal Operating System) to support container services, PTOS-M (Pelindo Terminal Operating System Multipurpose) to strengthen non-container services, and Phinnisi for the ship service operating system.

"For Pelindo, successful operational performance cannot be separated from service standardization and effective management of all Pelindo people. "Apart from that, Pelindo has also taken strategic steps in 2023 by utilizing the latest technology such as TOS, PTOS-M and Phinnisi to increase operational efficiency." said Arif.

After the merger, the speed of loading and unloading services at a number of ports has increased. For example, at the Belawan Container Terminal (TPK), the number of loading and unloading more than doubled from 20 boxes to 60 boxes per ship per hour. Apart from that, at the Ambon Container Terminal, loading and unloading speeds have almost tripled, from 12 boxes to 35 boxes under optimum conditions. 

According to Steven, Director of Tanto Intim Line, the speed of service ultimately affects the costs that must be borne by shipping companies and goods owners. For example, fuel costs are greatly reduced because berthing time is reduced from 2-3 days to just one day. “Previously, the Surabaya-Makassar-Sorong trip could take up to 10 days, now it can take a week. This can  reduce costs  quite a bit. "With digitalization, the payment process is also more transparent," he said.  

Director of PT Serakoy Raya Ernest Montolalu, as a Transport Management Services (JPT) or forwarding business actor, said that document processing services are carried out online and the process of picking up goods is easier, faster and better systemized. This is because there is an IBS ( Integrated Billing System ) system which displays information to service users about ship arrival schedules, even information on the position of goods.

This is in line with the National Corruption Eradication Strategy (Stranas PK) program to encourage the prevention of acts of corruption in the port environment.

"We think that Pelindo, with its digitalization program, has produced results. In simple terms, port digitalization has had a positive impact on the loading and unloading process, which is currently faster and more cost efficient," said Pahala Nainggolan, Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring at the Corruption Eradication Commission.

In 2024, Pelindo will continue the transformation program in the company environment, while at the same time trying to increase its role, not only as a maritime gateway but also as a traffic stimulator, namely encouraging the growth of goods traffic through the integration of industrial areas with ports.

"We continue to collaborate with various stakeholders, both government and investors, so that we can build an integrated industrial area with a port which will ultimately encourage efficiency in terms of logistics costs," concluded Arif.

(Editor of ISL News/Corsec Pelindo Pusat/email:islnewstv@gmail.com). 


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  • Pelindo Increasingly Solid, Containers in 2023 Reach 17.7 Million TEUs


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