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Dirut PT BKI (Persero) signed an MoU with the International Naval Surveys Bureau (INSB) Class

01/08/23, 10:17 WIB Last Updated 2023-08-01T03:18:30Z


on Thursday, 20 July 2023, PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) or PT BKI (Persero) signed an MoU with the International Naval Surveys Bureau (INSB) Class. The MoU was signed by IDSurvey President Director, Arisudono and INSB Class President and Managing Director, Pantelis Chinakis Glaras.

This MoU is a collaboration between the two classification societies which is associated with sharing resources, joint training programs for education and knowledge enhancement, research collaboration, mutual information sharing/joint activities to enhance profile and international networks.

According to Arisudono, IDSurvey President Director "We are delighted to have concluded a joint collaboration MoU with INSB Class for long-term cooperation and synergy that will allow BKI to strengthen its maritime prospects, expand its reach, and boost BKI's marine regulatory context and corporate accessibility. BKI views this collaboration as a high-value initiative that can assist both societies address industry challenges and opportunities more effectively by capitalizing on their corporate profile and reputation and promoting joint talent development and technological programs"

Furthermore, Pantelis Chinakis Glaras, added: "This achievement represents an important step forward in strengthening Greek-Indonesian relations within the context of the global maritime domain. It demonstrates the way INSB Class and BKI can work together to advance ship safety and address marine technological priorities on behalf of both organizations. We are excited to work closely with BKI to promote ship safety, marine technology, and innovation, and we look forward to doing so with trust and integrity.”

Along with the signing of MoU, BKI and INSB Class also discussed about possibility of supporting each other to advance the international classification business. Through this collaboration, BKI hopes to advance the TIC sector, particularly in the maritime industry. This year, BKI is aiming to develop their business and break the barriers to strengthen the TIC business nationally and internationally.

(Redaksi ISL News/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Dirut PT BKI (Persero) signed an MoU with the International Naval Surveys Bureau (INSB) Class


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