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Pelindo Regional 3 and UDD PMI Surabaya Hold Donor Darah Gratis Collecting 88 Bags of Blood

06/06/24, 09:02 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-06T02:04:01Z

 - Pelindo Regional 3 and the Blood Donation Unit (UDD) of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Surabaya City are again holding a free blood donation social action. The event which took place at Pelindo Regional 3 Head Office Wednesday morning (05/06) succeeded in collecting 88 bags of blood.

This blood donation activity is part of Pelindo's social responsibility in helping to meet the blood needs of the community. In collaboration with UDD PMI Surabaya City, Pelindo provides various facilities and conveniences for donors who are Pelindo Regional 3 Group employees, such as basic health checks.

The workers' enthusiasm for participating in this blood donation is quite high. It was recorded that as many as 120 people registered to donate blood. After going through a screening process, Pelindo and PMI gathered 88 people who met the requirements to donate blood.

"We are grateful for the enthusiasm of the community to participate in this blood donation. We hope that the blood collected can help save the lives of other people in need," said Pelindo Regional 3 Legal and Public Relations Officer Karlinda Sari.

Karlinda added, Pelindo is committed to continuing to hold this blood donation activity regularly, even in the context of National K3 month this year, Pelindo successfully held a similar blood donation activity.

"We hope that this activity can help meet the blood needs of the community and increase public awareness about the importance of blood donation," he said.

Chairman of UDD PMI Surabaya City, dr. Martono sj, appreciated Pelindo for holding this blood donation activity. "We are very grateful to Pelindo Regional 3 for its support in helping to meet the blood needs of the community. This blood donation activity is very beneficial for PMI in maintaining the availability of blood stocks," he said.

Dr. Martono invited the public to donate blood more often. "Blood donation is a noble act that can help save other people's lives. One bag of blood can save three lives," he added .

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regional Java Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Pelindo Regional 3 and UDD PMI Surabaya Hold Donor Darah Gratis Collecting 88 Bags of Blood


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