JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) - As a form of social concern for the environment, especially the community around Tanjung Priok Port, through the Pelindo KSO TKP Koja sharing program, they handed over 21 cows and 3 goats to several areas in North Jakarta, East Jakarta and South Jakarta. Friday (14/6/2024).
"Izul Haramain, accompanied by Supriadi and Harley, the KSO TPK Koja Public Relations Team, said that this activity of handing over sacrificial animals is carried out every year ahead of Eid al-Adha as a form of the company's concern for underprivileged communities in the North Jakarta area," said Izul.
According to him, the sacrificial animals of 21 cows and 3 goats were handed over directly to Mosques - Mosques, Foundations and Government agencies including Attauhid Koja Jakut Mosque, Kasablanka Jaksel City Smart People Foundation, Al IKhsan Mosque Pelindo Tanjung Priok, Baitul Harisin Polsek Mosque Jakut Koja, GINSI DKI JAKARTA Kelapa Gading, Menkumham Cipinang Jaktim, Tanjung Priok State Prosecutor's Office, AL Barokah Mosque Ciupeucang Koja, Nur Hidayah Alur Laut Mosque ZZ Koja gang, AL Husna Mosque Kp. Bulak Tugu Utara Koja, Mushola Ibdatul Muslimin Kp. Sungai Begog Cilincing, Mushola Pusaka Siddiq Kalibaru Cilincing, Masdjid Nurul Fajar Cilincing, Musholla Nurul Ummah Swasembada Tanjung Priok, Musholla Bidayatul Hidayah Warakas Tanjung Priok, Musholla AL Mustaqfir Ganggeng Tanjung Priok, Musholla Attaubah Jl. Bhakti Cilincing, TKBM Tanjung Priok Port, Tanjung Port Police Station Priok and the Main KSOP of Tanjung Priok Port," he said
(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).