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IPCC or PT IKT Tbk. Booked Net Profit of IDR 190.85 billion, an increase of 18.01%

14/06/24, 08:11 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-14T01:24:14Z

  PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk with the code (IDX:IPCC) held an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for the 2023 Financial Year at the Maritime Museum, Jakarta. The activity was attended by the Board of Commissioners and Directors of the Company and the Shareholders, namely, PT Pelindo Multi Terminal as the Majority Shareholder, PT Multi Terminal Indonesia as the Minority Shareholder and the Public.

The holding of the 2023 Fiscal Year AGMS shows the Company's commitment to implementing Good Corporate Governance as a Company principle.

In the AGMS presentation delivered by the President Director of IPCC, Sugeng Mulyadi, the Company recorded net profit growth of IDR 190.85 billion, an increase of 18.01% year on year (YoY) in accordance with the 2023 Audited Financial Report by KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (E&Y ) . This achievement is a proud record for IPCC, because the company was initially released to the public in 2018 with a net profit of IDR 170 billion. IPCC's success recorded the largest net profit since the company was released to the public. Demonstrated by strong fundamentals and can provide profits for investors. As a company that grows every year, in 2023 EBITDA will be recorded at IDR 350 billion or an increase of 4.25% year on year (YoY). Achievements in 2023 are supported by operational performance in all IPCC work areas, especially in 2023 by successfully expanding the business by managing the RoRo Terminal in Balikpapan as well as implementing effective and efficient work systems in various Company programs.

The IPCC AGMS for the 2023 Fiscal Year, chaired by the President Commissioner, Mr. Drajat Sulistyo, conveyed a number of decisions of the Annual GMS consisting of 7 agenda items, namely on the first agenda, receiving the Company's Annual Report including the Supervisory Duties Report of the Company's Board of Commissioners and approving the Company's Financial Report for the 2023 Fiscal Year.

Use of Profits

The second agenda item determines the use of the Company's Net Profit for the 2023 Financial Year. Then the third agenda item reassigns the Public Accounting Firm (KAP) Purwantono, Sungkoro, & Surja (Ernst & Young) to provide audit services for the Company's Financial Report for the Financial Year ending on December 31, 2024.

Furthermore, the fourth agenda item determines bonuses for the 2023 financial year and remuneration for members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and Directors for the 2024 financial year which will be decided separately by the Shareholders.

The fifth agenda item is approving the change in the nomenclature of the Company's Directors from previously Director of Finance and HR to Director of Finance, HR and Risk Management.

The sixth agenda item approves the buyback of the Company's shares from the proceeds of the Company's public offering, which in its implementation must coordinate with the Majority Shareholders. The seventh agenda item, which is the final agenda of the Annual GMS for the 2024 Financial Year, is approving the Report on the Use of Funds from the Company's Public Offering.

The AGMS approved the determination of the use of the Company's profits for the 2023 financial year, which totaled IDR 190.85 billion, one of which was used as dividends which would be distributed by 80% or IDR 152.68 billion or the equivalent of IDR 83.97 per share, which had previously been distributed to holders. shares as an interim dividend at the beginning of 2024 amounting to IDR 39.23 billion so that the remainder will be in the form of a final dividend which will be distributed amounting to IDR 113.44 billion to Shareholders

"Dividend distribution for the 2023 financial year with a Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) of 80% shows the Company's commitment to shareholders who continue to provide trust and support to IPCC," said Wing Megantoro (Director of Finance, Human Resources and Risk Management). Apart from delivering good performance achievements in 2023, the IPCC continues to implement good corporate governance by prioritizing transparency and communication with stakeholders as reflected in the results of the GCG assessment with the title "Excellent" as measured by the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) assessment method. with a score of 107.26 points.

The President Commissioner of PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk, Drajat Sulistyo, appreciated the good achievements that the Company had made throughout 2023. "This certainly cannot be separated from the implementation of the development strategy contained in the RJPP, namely Enhancement & Expansion which has been successfully implemented in various commercial, operational, and operational aspects. information systems, financial services and improving the quality of human resources," he added.

The IPCC's positive performance achievement is also supported by the implementation of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) which supports the development of human resources who can compete and are able to preserve the environment.

"There are various superior TJSL programs operating in the fields of education, health, community empowerment and social affairs. "Several of these programs received awards at the national level," said Sugeng.


PT Indonesia Vehicle Terminal Tbk continues to strive to achieve the Company's long-term plan which aims to become a world-class national vehicle terminal management company through the spirit of Beyond The Gate, we are committed to continuing to provide the best service for all partners, customers and stakeholders of the Company and are expected to be able to become the Company providing services from AZ in the logistics chain, especially vehicle terminals, so that it can contribute to the country's economy and sustainability.

IPCC, as a company that excels in managing vehicle terminals, is committed to supporting the 2060 Net Zero Emission target by continuing to encourage programs that have a direct impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). All of these efforts are in line with the implementation of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) in all of the Company's business lines and operations.

Finally, Sugeng said, "Thank you very much to all IPCC people who have given their best contribution to achieving performance in 2023. This achievement was also achieved thanks to the support of all Company stakeholders, Partners, Customers and the shareholders' trust in the Company which always strives provide added value and grow in the future”.


(Editorial ISL News/Corcom IPCC/email;islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IPCC or PT IKT Tbk. Booked Net Profit of IDR 190.85 billion, an increase of 18.01%


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