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Lingga Marintama Shipping Company Now Provides Overseas Transportation Services or Export and Import Cargo

04/02/25, 15:21 WIB Last Updated 2025-02-04T08:22:40Z

- PT Pelayaran Lingga Marintama, which is part of the Citra Borneo Indah (CBI) Group, is now ready to provide export and import transportation or shipping services.

This was stated by the CEO of PT Pelayaran Lingga Marintama, Erry Akbar Panggabean. According to him, the shipping company he leads now has a new ship, namely the LM Tanjung Beringin ship which is capable of transporting 3,000 tons of CPO and other palm oil derivative products.

"This ship was built in 2021, of course equipped with navigation equipment and engines with the latest technology. The goal is for this ship to be able to optimize the carrying capacity and optimize the process of loading and unloading cargo," explained Erry Akbar Panggabean.

Then, said Erry Akbar, the LM Tanjung Beringin ship also has a dual class, namely domestic/regional and international. "Even this ship already has international maritime standards. So it can sail not only in Indonesian territory, but can sail in international waters," said Erry Akbar.

Erry Akbar said, PT Pelayaran Lingga Marintama initially only served the transportation of various products for internal companies that are members of the CBI Group. "But now we can also serve various clients from other companies outside the CBI Group who need solutions in the problem of transporting various products," explained Erry Akbar.


11 Fleet Ships

Erry Akbar further said, with a fleet of 11 ships of various types, PT Pelayaran Lingga Marintama is also able to serve the transportation of commodities other than processed palm oil products.

"We can now serve various dry products such as oil cake, shells and coal. Of course, the target for the future is how we can continue to maximize the carrying capacity and routes, so that all clients both within the scope of the CBI Group and from companies outside the business group are satisfied with our services," added Erry Akbar.

PT Lingga Marintama Office Address and Business Services:  

Jl Udan Said No. 47 Pangkalan Bun Central Kalimantan 74113 

Email contact:  erry.akbar@citraborneo.co.id 


(Editorial ISL News/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).


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  • Lingga Marintama Shipping Company Now Provides Overseas Transportation Services or Export and Import Cargo


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