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Teluk Lamong Terminal Degree CEO Talk Event, Peak of Avcara's 11th Anniversary

28/01/25, 12:34 WIB Last Updated 2025-01-28T05:37:00Z

 As the end of the 11th Anniversary series, Terminal Teluk Lamong has held a CEO Talk event. This event was held in a hybrid manner and attended by all employees.

At this CEO Talk event, the President Director of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong gave a flashback regarding the company's performance and also provided new motivation to all employees.

The tumpeng cutting thanksgiving and also awarding employees became a special moment to appreciate their hard work together.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom TTL /email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Teluk Lamong Terminal Degree CEO Talk Event, Peak of Avcara's 11th Anniversary


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