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Stakeholder Collaboration at Tanjung Priok Port Requires a "Leading Sector" System

11/12/24, 08:07 WIB Last Updated 2024-12-11T01:10:40Z

 The success of Tanjung Priok Port in ranking 23rd out of hundreds of major ports in the world provides an overview of the operational efficiency of the port, as well as the factors that influence the smooth flow of global logistics.

The index released by the World Bank is produced based on a number of criteria and indicators relevant to port management and operations such as loading and unloading speed (Berth Productivity), ship waiting time (Ship Turnaround Time), administrative process efficiency (Port and Customs Clearance Efficiency), port capacity and infrastructure, dwelling time, transportation connectivity, security and other port service quality.

Chairman of the Indonesian Maritime Journalists Forum (Forwami), Hoddy Sitanggang, said the success deserves appreciation. It shows evidence of collaboration built by stakeholders at the Port has a positive impact on improving services at Tanjung Priok Port.

"That achievement is what prompted Forwami to hold a Focus Group Discussion on collaboration from stakeholders at Tanjung Priok Port," he said while delivering a speech at the FGD activity which took place today, Tuesday, December 10, at Tanjung Priok Port.

The event hosted by Namarin Director Siswanto Rusdi presented a number of speakers including Executive General Manager (EGM) of Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Port Adi Sugiri, Chairman of the DPW of the Indonesian Stevedoring Companies Association (APBMI) DKI Jakarta Capt. Suwondo, Chairman of the Logindo Club Mustajab Susilo Basuki, Executive Secretary of the DPW of the Indonesian Logistics and Forwarders Association (ALFI) Budi Wiyono, and Treasurer of the DPC INSA Jaya Sunarno HS.

In addition, also present were figures from Tanjung Priok port, H Sabri Saiman, President Director of PT Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Indra Hidayat Sani, Director of Human Resources of PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal (IKT) Wing Megantoro, and a number of Corporate Secretaries of Pelindo subsidiaries in the Tanjung Priok Port environment. Acting as the "Keynote Speaker" of the discussion was the KSOP of Tanjung Priok Port delivered by the Head of Traffic, Sea Transportation and Port Affairs Wim P. Hutajulu.



In his presentation, EGM Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Port, said that as the main port that handles most of the loading and unloading flows in Indonesia, collaboration between stakeholders is a necessity.

As a port service provider, Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Port continues to strive to improve services along with the increasing flow of goods that require increased capacity and traffic density solutions in the port. Moreover, Tanjung Priok Port services are not only for merchant ships, but also state guest ships and warships.

Adi gave an example of the revitalization of JICT Terminal 2 which is expected to increase container throughput to 500,000 TEUs. In addition, the construction of a bypass road from Ingom to Tanjung Priok Port so that trucks will no longer pass through RE Martadinata road. In addition, the construction of NPCT 2 as a consequence of exceeding the installed capacity of NPCT 1.

From the soft infrastructure side, Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Port also continues to develop a digitalization program for services to service users.


Leading Sector

The Head of the DKI Jakarta APBMI DPW, Capt. Suwondo, said that as a port management partner, his party is guided by the legal basis of both the Shipping Law and Government Regulations on loading and unloading services as regulated in PP 61, PP 31/2021 and PM 69.

"These regulations, especially Article 10 of PP 31/2021, contain a message of collaboration between stevedoring companies and port managers and other associations," he said.

This collaboration is a provision for realizing international standard port services that refer to efficiency, safety, environmental friendliness and modernity.

"Considering the increasing flow of loading and unloading, our hope is of course for sustainable infrastructure development and services such as pilot boats that are on time, without having to queue for a long time," he said.

A similar opinion was also expressed by the Executive Secretary of DPW ALFI DKI Jakarta, Budi Wiyono. According to him, the expectations of service users only revolve around three things, namely reasonable rates, fast service, and safe and comfortable.

Budi Wiyono gave the example of the Port of Rotterdam service which has been completely digital since 2007, making it easier for service users to trace their goods at the port.

According to him, this is inseparable from only one application being used. This is different from Indonesia where each agency has a different application so that it seems to still give rise to sectoral egos.

"Collaboration will be even better if there is a leading sector in the same system so that it is easier for service users to access port services," he added.


Transportation Collaboration

From the transportation side, the Logindo Club assesses that the condition of infrastructure that is not balanced with the current truck population is a major issue among these business actors.

The infrastructure in question includes limited highways, toll roads, garages/truck parking areas and other supporting facilities and infrastructure.

"The current growth in vehicles is not balanced with the availability of infrastructure as regulated in Regional Regulation 1 of 2014 concerning Detailed Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulations," said Logindo Club Chairman, Mustajab Susilo Basuki.

He gave an example of the DKI Jakarta region alone, where truck production increases by around 135 units every day. To overcome this problem, his party agreed that collaboration is needed among stakeholders, especially in the Tanjung Priok port environment.

Therefore, Logindo Club proposes several collaborative steps. First, cooperation in building an Integrated Logistics Area as a Support for Transportation Activities, Logistics for Tanjung Priok Port. (Hub – Spoke Model Logistic Center in Marunda Area, Bekasi). Integration of Multi-Mode Facilities & Infrastructure Hub, Terminal Station Interchange (Truck – Train – Ship).

Second, cooperate with associations and related agencies to implement mandatory safety regulations for trucks serving Tanjung Priok Port.

Third, the availability of supporting infrastructure for the Port in the form of a Buffer Area for the Terminal Booking and Return Cargo System (TBRCS). STID (Single Truck Identification Data) Monitoring is implemented for its Fleet and DID (Driver Identification Data) Monitoring for its Drivers.

Fourth, cooperation with the Association to improve the competence of human resources for drivers through BNSP Driver Competency Training & Certification, as well as building a community of certified pioneer drivers for goods transportation safety, especially in the Tanjung Priok Port area.

In closing, a North Jakarta community figure who is also a senior figure at Tanjung Priok Port, H. Sabri Saiman appreciated the steps taken by Pelindo Regional 2 Tanjung Priok Port in improving services to service users. Likewise, the collaboration that has been carried out both internally at the port and externally, such as with the local government.

According to him, this collaboration needs to be continuously improved including with the regulators at the port. Likewise, the press at the port which is accommodated by Forwami must actively socialize the efforts made by stakeholders at the port.

"In the future, discussion activities such as this must present more elements of ministries and institutions at Tanjung Priok Port such as Customs, Quarantine, Police and others," he concluded.

(ISL News Editorial Team/email:islnewtsv@gmail.com). 

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  • Stakeholder Collaboration at Tanjung Priok Port Requires a "Leading Sector" System


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