JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) – IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK as the operator of the container terminal handed over personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of raincoats to the Stevedores (TKBM) in the Tanjung Priok Port area.
This assistance is a form of commitment to ensuring optimal container loading and unloading services during the rainy season. This assistance is an implementation of the TJSL Pelindo Group's strategic program related to Safety & Environment which in its implementation collaborates with the Subholding Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP).
Pramestie Wulandary Corporate Secretary & External Relations of IPC TPK explained that the implementation of this program is an effort to ensure that loading and unloading activities at Tanjung Priok Port ahead of the rainy season and extreme weather are carried out in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety (K3) standards.
TKBM has an important role in loading and unloading activities at the Port. The existence of TKBM is an inseparable part of the performance and productivity of the port. The 24/7 Port operation pattern requires TKBM as field workers to work in various conditions. This PPE assistance program supports the zero accident target in the Tanjung Priok Port environment.
The assistance in the form of 161 raincoats was symbolically handed over by Corporate Secretary & External Relations of IPC TPK, Pramestie Wulandary to Asep Slamet as the Chairman of the Karya Sejahtera TKBM Cooperative of Tanjung Priok Port. This program is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 8.8.1 regarding the number of companies implementing K3 norms.
"Appreciation to IPC TPK Management for the support provided. Raincoats are a vital need for TKBM members so that loading and unloading activities can continue in any situation that will affect loading and unloading productivity at the terminal," said Asep Slamet as Chairman of the Karya Sejahtera TKBM Cooperative, Tanjung Priok Port.
IPC TPK pays special attention to the implementation of safety in running business operations and ensuring the implementation of K3 by all stakeholders at the port. Previously in 2022, IPC TPK also provided assistance in the form of personal protective equipment in the form of life jackets in the Socialization and Health Examination activities of the Port Authority Office.
"Hopefully, TKBM can carry out its activities well and remain healthy in facing the rainy season. Because health and safety must be prioritized," concluded Pramestie Wulandary.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).