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Support STRANAS PK: Pelindo and KSOP Cirebon Hold Launch of Non-Container STID and SIMON TKBM

26/07/24, 17:26 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-26T10:26:18Z

CIREBON (ISL News) - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon together with the Port Authority and Harbor Master Office (KSOP) Class II Cirebon held a launching event for the implementation of Single Truck Identification Data (STID) and the Loading and Unloading Workforce Monitoring System (SIMON TKBM) at Cirebon Port on Friday (26/7/2024).

SIMON TKBM and STID itself is one of the implementation programs of the National Corruption Prevention Strategy (STRANAS PK) initiated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, attended by the Association and service users at the Port of Cirebon, with several speakers including: Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Director General of Sea Relations, Dr. Hartanto MH, M.Mar.E .; Director General of Customs and Excise represented by Chairul Anwar, SE, MM; STRANAS PK Expert, Febriyantoro; Head of KSOP Class II Cirebon, Een Nuraini Saidah SS, MBA; Executive Director of Regional 2 Pelindo, Drajat Sulistyo.

In his remarks, Drajat explained that STID and SIMON TKBM are one of the STRANAS PK programs for Ports which aim to optimize operational services, increase transparency and reduce bureaucracy.

"STID at Cirebon Port is the first Non-Container STID to be implemented in Indonesia. We are proud that Cirebon Port can be a pioneer for non-container ports, this will support 24/7 activities at the Port that are safe, orderly and efficient," said Drajat.

The Director General of Sea Transportation, Dr. Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi, said the same thing. In his speech video, he said that the Stranas PK Program has been regulated in Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2018. "The basic rules are already in the Presidential Decree. For STID itself, it has been regulated in the Decree of the Director General of Sea Transportation, so all of these programs also have support from the Government to support the Port so that it can operate optimally 24/7," he added.

This was agreed by the Director of Shipping and Maritime Affairs, Dr. Hartanto MH, M.Mar., who was present representing the Director General of Sea Transportation. "STID and SIMON TKBM are concrete steps in improving the port logistics index in Indonesia. The logistics ecosystem supported by digitalization is expected to make Cirebon Port more advanced," he added.

STID or Single Truck Identification System is an electronic data system application program for every truck operating in the Port. The goal is to support truck utilization activities in the Port area and optimize operational activities.

"With the STID, all trucks operating at the Port are guaranteed to be trucks that are registered and fit for operation, trucks that are not registered will not be able to enter the port," said Febriyantoro, STRANAS PK Team in his speech delivered virtually.

Meanwhile, SIMON TKBM itself is an electronic system application for recording TKBM data or Loading and Unloading Workers in the Port area. SIMON TKBM aims to optimize and digitize the TKBM supervision function.

"TKBM has a centralized digital database that facilitates the monitoring function of TKBM entering and leaving the Port area and optimizing services," said Een Nuraeni, KSOP Class II Cirebon in his presentation.

The launch of STID and SIMON TKBM is expected to be a new gong for the growth and development of Cirebon Port in order to support government programs to create a 24/7 operating port that can make a positive contribution to the state and society.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Pelindo Regional 2 Public Relations/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Support STRANAS PK: Pelindo and KSOP Cirebon Hold Launch of Non-Container STID and SIMON TKBM


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