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DPC INSA Together with DPW ALFI/ILFA Lampung APPRECIATE the Eradication of EXTORTION and BRIBERY at PELINDO Regional 2 PANJANG

07/07/24, 13:17 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-07T06:18:35Z

 - Sunday, July 7, 2024. The Lampung Branch of the Indonesian National Shipowners Association (DPC INSA) Board of Directors appreciates Pelindo for the digitalization that has been carried out at Panjang Port, so that services to service users are free from extortion.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Lampung Province Indonesian National Shipowners Association (DPC INSA), H. Yusirwan, said that services for ship activities at Panjang Port can now be carried out easily and transparently with the application of technology.

"Currently, requests for ship services to Pelindo can be made anywhere and anytime, through a digital application, so that the procedure is more concise and no longer requires physical contact at the counter. This effectively closes the gap for extortion at Panjang Port. With digitalization, detailed service information is also transparent, so we feel more comfortable," said Yusirwan.

The same thing was also conveyed by the Chairman of the ALFI/ILFA Lampung Regional Management Board, H. Zamzani Yasin, who also appreciated the steps taken by Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang regarding the services provided to EMKL.

"Currently, vehicles entering Panjang Port cannot be careless, vehicles that already have Single Truck Identification Data (STID) can enter Panjang Port area so that the potential for extortion is very minimal to be carried out, before entering the Port, EMKL companies must upload vehicle data to the Phinnisi system along with the name of the ship and the amount of loading and unloading tonnage to be worked on, so that all service requests to activity reports can be monitored together with related stakeholders and transparent in their reporting."


Digitalization Transformation

Separately, GM of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang, Imam Rahmiyadi said that "the digital transformation that has been implemented aims to reduce bureaucracy and make it easier for service users to carry out their port activities, this is a form of our commitment to eradicating extortion and bribery," Imam added that digitalization is not only carried out on ship services, but also in other service lines. One of them is the implementation of Single Truck Identification Data (STID), which is a national Stranas PK program to regulate vehicles operating at the Port so that loading and unloading activities and other port service activities can run safely and free from extortion. The STID application has gone live since 2022. In addition to supporting the Stranas PK program."

In addition, Pelindo provides an application/system to report fraudulent acts, corruption, and extortion for all stakeholders who have information and wish to report an act that indicates a violation committed by Pelindo personnel through an independent system, namely the Whistleblowing System on the website pelindobersih.pelindo.co.id which can be accessed 24/7.

"We appeal to all service users and the community, when they find actions related to embezzlement or bribery to report through WBS" concluded the Imam.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Humas Pelindo panjang/ email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • DPC INSA Together with DPW ALFI/ILFA Lampung APPRECIATE the Eradication of EXTORTION and BRIBERY at PELINDO Regional 2 PANJANG


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