SURABAYA (ISL News) - The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation together with the US Embassy and US Coast Guard visited PT Terminal Teluk Lamong (TTL) on a port visit agenda to emphasize the importance of implementing international security codes for ships and port facilities (International Ship and Port Facility).
Security/ISPS Code), especially those serving ships with international shipping, as a preventive measure in maintaining the security of ships and port facilities.
Director of the Maritime and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP), Jon Kenedi said, not only Ensuring smooth port operations, the ISPS Code is also expected to protect port facilities from cyber attacks. "Cyber security is one of the important aspects that we must prioritize in order to avoid attacks that could damage the digitalization network on modern equipment systems used in port facilities," he said.
For information, PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, a subsidiary of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas which is a Pelindo Group entity, was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo in 2015. TTL has been equipped with sophisticated equipment that supports the modernization and automation of port services.
"Sophisticated port facilities must be accompanied by adequate cyber security," he said. he stressed. Jon added that cyber threats are something that cannot be avoided, as a result of technological advances. "It has been proven that in the last 4 (four) years cyber attacks have become a new threat in the ISPS Code,"
"Cyber attacks can paralyze or even damage data, information and equipment owned by port facilities," added Jon.
If a cyber attack occurs at a port facility, the impacts that will arise will be many, including financial loss, work accidents, congestion at access points, and data loss or loss of important company data/information customer.
To mitigate the risk of this, the Directorate General of Sea Transportation has issued Circular Letter of the Director General of Sea Transportation Number 16 of 2024 which regulates the Development of Cyber Security Assessments and Procedures in the Security Management of Ships and Port Facilities for Handling Risks in Cyber Network Systems ( Cyber Risk Management).
"It is hoped that the team from the United States can also provide observations and input for the Teluk Lamong Terminal, in an effort to increase compliance with the implementation of the ISPS Code. "This is important to ensure that Indonesia's maritime infrastructure not only meets appropriate security requirements, but is also able to respond to modern security challenges effectively," he said.
On the same occasion, Operation Senior Manager PT. Teluk Lamong Terminal, Anang Januriandoko revealed that Teluk Lamong Terminal has received ISPS code certification since 2015.
"We hope that the recommendations and feedback from this port visit will be able to increase the compliance level of the Teluk Lamong Terminal in implementing the ISPS code and increase our partnership with stakeholders and the US Coast Guard," he said.
Finally, Anang Jananandoko expressed his gratitude for the role of the Ministry of Transportation, especially the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, which has been developing the Teluk Lamong Terminal in implementing the ISPS code.
"The Ministry of Transportation continues to periodically provide evaluations so that we can serve international shipping safely," he said. closed Anang.
Apart from representatives of the US Embassy Jakarta, the Port Visit Terminal Teluk Lamong was also attended by other institutions from the United States, namely the US Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
(Editor of ISL News/Corcom Terminal Teluk Lamong).