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Pelindo Regional 4 Kendari Improves KNP Road Access - Goods Distribution Returns Smoothly

18/06/24, 08:50 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-18T01:51:37Z

 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 4 Kendari has carried out temporary light work on the access road using greeder heavy equipment so that the distribution of goods at the Kendari New Port Container Terminal in Bungkutoko, Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi runs smoothly again.

Last Monday (10/6/2024), the process of leveling the access road was carried out and today, Tuesday (11/6) the compacting process was carried out. "Thank God, currently the temporary light work process has been completed and the road access can also be passed by vehicles carrying containers. "At 13.00 WITA, truck drivers were able to return to their activities at the Kendari New Port (KNP) Container Terminal," said General Manager (GM) of Pelindo Regional 4 Kendari, Capt. Suparman.

He said that Pelindo took this step [to carry out temporary light work] following the main road to the Kendari New Port Container Terminal in Bungkutoko which was badly damaged.  

Capt. Suparman explained that temporary light work on the road access had started on Monday (10/6). "However, we have been making preparations since Sunday (9/6) using heavy greeder equipment so that the distribution of goods remains smooth," he said.

Previously, Pelindo Regional 4 Kendari had coordinated with the Head of the Kendari City Public Works (PU) Department, represented by the Kendari City PU Secretary, Aswido, to request permission to carry out light work using heavy equipment, considering that the road access belonged to the Kendari City Government.

Capt. Suparman said that on Monday (10/6) his party also received a visit and aspirations from the Chair of the Container Truck Drivers Association, Alisman, together with Member of Commission III of the Kendari City DPRD La Ode Ashar accompanied by the Head of the Highways Division of the Kendari City Public Works Service, Abdul Malik, and Head of the Kendari Port Security Implementation Unit (KP3) Police, Jusman, at the Kendari New Port Office.

"We discussed and conveyed that Pelindo Regional 4 Kendari had carried out road work so that truck drivers could return to work without worrying about the car overturning because the damaged road had been temporarily repaired."

Member of Commission III DRPD Kendari City, La Ode Ashar, expressed his gratitude to Pelindo for moving quickly and responsively in anticipation by carrying out light work on the road access.

"Because if this [road] is left damaged it will impact regional inflation, because it will hamper the distribution of goods," said La Ode Ashar.

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regional 4 Public Relations).

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  • Pelindo Regional 4 Kendari Improves KNP Road Access - Goods Distribution Returns Smoothly


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