TEGAL (ISL News) - After the Pelindo Merger 2 (two) years, the focus is still on efficiency and service standardization. In accordance with Pelindo's vision of "Being a World Class, Integrated Maritime Ecosystem Leader," as well as the mission of "Creating a national maritime ecosystem network through increasing network connectivity and service integration to support Indonesia's economic growth."
In realizing this vision and mission, Pelindo has 4 strategic pillars, namely world-class port transformation, strengthening the logistics ecosystem, maritime supply chain efficiency, and increasing company value.
To realize these 4 pillars, Pelindo developed the Phinnisi application which is a form of excellent service from Pelindo which has been gradually implemented in Regions 1,2,3,4 to all stakeholders with the aim of efficiency and effectiveness of the service system.
The Phinnisi application is a digital-based application for ship and goods services at ports, providing various features that are able to provide accurate information for ship services, which can be accessed from the palm of your hand, whenever needed. It is very important to provide comprehensive reports that help in the management decision making process.
Management of Pelindo Regional 3 Tegal Port Branch carried out Phinnisi Application Socialization Activities to Pelindo Regional 3 Tegal Port Branch internally, then this socialization activity was continued to customers (shipping agents) of Pelindo Regional 3 Tegal Port Branch, located in the Meeting Room of Pelindo Regional 3 Tegal Port Branch, on Last Wednesday (29/05/24).
Turut hadir dalam Kegiatan Sosialisasi Aplikasi Phinnisi diantaranya General Manager Pelindo Regional 3 Pelabuhan Tegal Tri Sugiyatno, Kepala KSOP Kelas IV Tegal yang diwakili Sugiarti, dan 4 pengguna jasa kepelabuhanan di wilayah kerja Pelabuhan Tegal.
General Manager Pelindo Regional 3 Pelabuhan Tegal Tri Sugiyatno dalam sambutannya menyampaikan, manajemen Pelindo Regional 3 Cabang Pelabuhan Tegal akan terus berkomitmen dalam menjalankan 4 pilar strategis Pelindo.
“Salah satunya, adalah akan terus fokus dalam pembenahan pelayanan kepelabuhan dengan mengimplementasikan aplikasi Phinnisi sebagai jawaban atas kebutuhan pelanggan atau pengguna jasa,” katanya.
Tri Sugiyatno mengatakan manajemen Pelindo Regional 3 Cabang Pelabuhan Tegal sangat senang jika penerapan aplikasi Phinnisi mendapat apresiasi dari para pengguna jasa. Karena aplikasi Phinnisi adalah bentuk penyempurnaan dari aplikasi versi sebelumnya.
Selain itu, tambah Tri Sugiyatno, dalam aplikasi Phinnisi adanya pembaruan fitur yang mempermudah koordinasi bagi user dan pengguna jasa. Aplikasi ini dapat mengoptimalkan efisiensi dan efektifitas pelayanan kapal yang berdampak pada peningkatan nilai perusahaan masing – masing.
Sementara itu, Perwakilan Kepala KSOP Kelas IV Tegal Sugiarti dalam sambutannya mengapresiasi inovasi layanan berbasis digital yang dilakukan Pelindo dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan kepelabuhan, melalui fitur baru yang dikeluarkan dan lalu lintas pelayaran dapat termonitor dengan baik.
“Maka dari itu, sebagai mitra pelabuhan bagi Pelindo Regional 3 Cabang Pelabuhan Tegal, KSOP Kelas IV Tegal terus berkomitmen menjalankan tugasnya sebagai pengawasan dan penegakan hukum dalam bidang keselamatan pelayaran,” tukasnya.
“Kegiatan Sosialisasi ini tentu akan membantu kami (pengguna jasa -red) untuk melakukan monitoring kegiatan secara real time. Dalam kegiatan sosialisasi yang berlangsung selama 1 hari ini, pihak internal Pelindo Regional 3 Cabang Pelabuhan Tegal dan pengguna jasa diberikan kesempatan untuk live trial bersama – sama yang akan dipandu oleh Project Manager PT ILCS selaku implementator Sistem Layanan Kapal Phinnisi, Luqman Farisy. Hal ini dilakukan agar seluruh perserta yang hadir dalam sosialisasi ini dapat memahami betul secara menyeluruh tentang pemutakhiran aplikasi Phinnisi,” jelasnya.
Menurut Project Manager PT ILCS selaku implementator Sistem Layanan Kapal Phinnisi, Luqman Farisy, aplikasi inovatif itu sudah mulai digunakan pada beberapa pelabuhan.
Adapun kegiatan pelayanan kapal tersebut dimulai dari melakukan pengajuan pelayanan kapal (terintegrasi dengan INAPORTNET), perencanaan terhadap resource dan schedule-nya, realisasi terhadap kegiatan pelayanan kapal, sampai kebutuhan billing dan reporting.
“Phinnisi is a strategic program from Central Pelindo. "The basis for implementing Phinnisi is related to the national strategic program for preventing corruption or the National PK Strategy which is outlined in the form of the National PK Strategy for Port Action," explained Luqman Farisy in an official broadcast, last Wednesday (29/05/2024).
So far, continued Luqman Farisy, there are more than 50 ports that have implemented the Phinnisi single system, and in June 2024 we will have entered Batch 5 which will implement the Phinnisi single system, namely the Ports of Balikpapan, Kotabaru, Tanjung Redeb and Tegal Port.
According to Luqman Farisy, the Phinnisi application has many benefits, such as automation of ship service activities in terms of planning and scheduling.
Furthermore, it increases time efficiency and resource planning for ship service activities, as well as helping to carry out appropriate and accurate handling when abnormalities occur in the field.
"With the Phinnisi application, users can also review and evaluate resource performance through real-time status updates.
"Including providing a comprehensive report that helps in the management decision-making process, adding that after the socialization of the Phinnisi application at the end of May 2024, Pelindo Regional 3 Tegal Port Branch plans to carry out the Go Live Phinnisi Application event, " concluded Luqman.
(ISL News Editorial/Regional Public Relations 3/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).