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PELINDO Regional 2 Holds KANKER and TUMOR Awareness Outreach to WORKERS

15/06/24, 09:32 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-15T02:40:52Z

 – Last Friday, June 14 2024, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 through the Human Resources and General Services Department Regional 2 together with the Nusantara Cancer Development Foundation (YBKN) carried out an outreach activity on the Dangers of Tumors and Kanker in Indonesian Maritime Museum attended by almost all Pelindo Regional 2 employees.

The aim of holding this socialization event is to provide information regarding cancer and tumors as well as prevention as early as possible so that you can live healthier and avoid cancer cells and tumors from developing.

Through this activity, Regional 2 Executive Director Drajat Sulistyo invited all workers to pay more attention to their own health and actively check themselves to prevent the growth of cancer cells and tumors from spreading throughout the body.

“Live a healthier life by maintaining your diet and sleep patterns, including exercising diligently. "Today's lifestyle makes us susceptible to disease, therefore we are starting to be more aware of our own health." Said Drajat Sulistyo

The socialization activity was presented by speaker Meliza Utami, S.Kep Nrs from YBKN who provided basic knowledge about cancer cells, how KANKER cells grow and spread, symptoms, and preventative measures.

In her explanation, Meliza Utami said that KANKER triggers are caused by wrong lifestyle and genetic or hereditary factors. Wrong lifestyle habits such as smoking, frequent consumption of alcoholic drinks and foods high in saturated fat.

"Prevention can be done by changing your lifestyle to be healthier and exercising diligently and also by immunizing and consuming anti-cancer substances such as rat taro, soursop fruit and white ginger," explained Meliza Utami.

Pelindo Regional 2 Regional Division Head of Human Resources and General Services, Dian Vegawati, who was present at the socialization, also reminded workers of the importance of socializing KANKER and tumors, because it is hoped that with this socialization workers can increase awareness of healthy living.

"A better understanding of KANKER & tumors encourages us to detect early the symptoms of cancer and tumors and how to treat them," concluded Dian Vegawati.

(ISL News Editorial/Pelindo Regional Public Relations 2/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • PELINDO Regional 2 Holds KANKER and TUMOR Awareness Outreach to WORKERS


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