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Predicted to increase by 15%, Pelindo Regional 3 Prepares 20 Passenger Terminals to Accommodate Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah/2024 Masehi

02/04/24, 09:12 WIB Last Updated 2024-04-02T02:13:13Z

 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo Regional 3 has begun making a number of preparations to anticipate a surge in Mudik Lebaran  travelers this year, especially via sea routes. At least 20 passenger and RoRo terminals in the work area are prepared to serve the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah hich is predicted to increase by 15 percent from the previous year.

A number of anticipatory steps include preparing passenger terminals at each port. Among them is the preparation of various security and comfort and health facilities for travelers both arriving and departing from each passenger terminal. A number of these facilities   include a waiting room for prospective passengers, post the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah, lactation room, additional check-in counters and additional guard officers and CCTV to ensure security for prospective travelers.

Pelindo Regional 3 Senior Manager of Law and Public Relations Mrs. Karlinda Said,  There are at least 20 passenger terminals in the Pelindo Regional 3 working area which are prepared to welcome the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah. His party also continues to coordinate with a number of stakeholders so that the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah, especially via sea routes, can run smoothly. 

A number of main ports such as Tanjung Perak, Kumai, Batulicin, Sampit, Tenau Kupang and Tanjung Emas Semarang are predicted to experience a significant increase in passengers compared to normal days. It is predicted that the number of passengers for this year's the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah will reach 713,449 people or an increase of 15% from the 2023 homecoming flow which reached 620,291 embarkation and disembarkation passengers.

"Not only preparation and coordination with the company internally, but we also continue to coordinate with stakeholders such as  port authorities  and shipping companies to ensure that all services for homecoming travelers are ready to serve." Karlinda explained

Karlinda also added that the potential for an increase in the number of homecoming travelers via sea routes also has the potential to occur in this year's Eid homecoming flow after  the government added the Eid holiday and collective leave  Therefore, his party appealed to all Port General Managers who manage terminals under them to make early preparations. 

"We have ensured that all passenger terminals in our work area,  all  public facilities, including waiting room facilities, breastfeeding rooms, prayer rooms and health rooms, are guaranteed to be ready to serve this year's Eid homecoming flow from now on." Concluded Regional Head 3 Pelindo.

Previously, the Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah via sea was one of the favorite alternatives for travelers in Indonesia. Not only that, to support the smooth flow of homecoming in 2024, Pelindo also supports the Ministry of BUMN's free homecoming program by providing 75 free buses to various places and a free ship Mudik Lebaran program belonging to the Ministry of Transportation. The number of passengers going back and forth at 20 ports managed by Pelindo Regional 3 during the 2024 Eid homecoming is predicted to increase this year.​

3(ISL News Editorial/Regional Public Relations 3/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Predicted to increase by 15%, Pelindo Regional 3 Prepares 20 Passenger Terminals to Accommodate Mudik Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah/2024 Masehi


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