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IPCC Performance Increasingly Solid, Cargo Traffic Reaches 1.2 million Units, Profits Grow 18%

01/04/24, 08:57 WIB Last Updated 2024-04-01T02:01:00Z

 - PT Indonesia Kendaraan Terminal Tbk (IDX: IPCC) amidst dynamic economic conditions welcoming the political year, succeeded in serving a total cargo of 1,234,839 units, consisting of CBU, trucks/buses and heavy equipment. grew quite significantly over the last three years, namely 89.11%. This shows the Company's commitment to shareholders and customers that IPCC continues to grow sustainably and improve its performance.

"The Company's performance both from an operational and commercial perspective after the Pelindo merger, which was marked by expansion in terms of operating Satellite Terminals in Belawan, Pontianak, Makassar and Balikpapan, provided its own advantages so that it was able to realize connectivity and provide benefits for customers," explained Sugeng (Main Director of IPCC) .

Sugeng Mulyadi revealed that after successfully expanding the work area at the Balikpapan Satellite Terminal in the 4th quarter of 2023, IPCC proved that the company continues to continuously expand and widen the network between terminals which ultimately has an impact on revenue enhancement. IPCC also synergizes with Korean automakers for PDC (Pre Delivery Center) services in order to increase the Cargo Distribution Management service business in the 4.3 Ha KBN arena.

In 2023, Bagus Dwipoyono, Director of Operations and Engineering, explained that with the completion of 4 investment programs, it is hoped that in 2024 it will provide benefits for the company in supporting its activities and being able to serve customer cargo optimally. There are 4 investment programs that have been successfully completed, namely heavy repairs to the G2 and G3 Domestic Terminal fields, renovation of the Domestic Terminal Gate, heavy repairs to Fields E and A and paving of the 2 Ha ex-PP land which cost a total of IDR 28.29 billion.

Meanwhile, in terms of financial reports, Wing Megantoro, Director of Finance and Human Resources, said that IPCC succeeded in recording net profit growth of IDR 190.85 billion, which was an increase of 18.01% from last year. This is a proud record for us because at the beginning the company was released to the public in 2018 with a net profit of IDR 170 billion and for the 2023 financial year this was the highest profit achievement since the IPO after the implementation of PSAK 73 and the impact of the Covid pandemic some time ago. 

Based on these conditions, it certainly provides evidence that IPCC's performance and shares have strong fundamentals and can provide profits for investors. As a company that grows every year, this year EBITDA was recorded at 350 billion, an increase of 4.25% from the previous year, EBITDA Margin reached 47.7%, and Net Profit Margin increased to 25.96% from last year which was recorded at 22 %. Then, in terms of profit per share, it grew quite well from the previous year which was recorded at 88.94 per share to 104.96 per share.

 "IPCC is able to provide 24/7 service by prioritizing excellent service and 3M principles for cargo (not accepting defects, not making defects, and not passing on defects). This of course helps us as a final filter if there are minor errors regarding our cargo that will be sent abroad, the speed of loading and unloading cargo also increases which can be completed in less than 12 hours. IPCC services in 2023 will be even better with the presence of a Customer Care Station (CCS) where this service can help us ask questions, monitor the position of cargo served by IPCC quickly, efficiently and reliably and submit complaints if there are processes that are not in accordance with the SOP" said Kurnia Novianty, GM Astra Daihatsu Motor.

Centralized terminal management is one of the keys to improving operational performance with transformation and implementation of integrated planning & control. Sugeng explained that this allows the IPCC to have better strategic control, making it easier to transform end-to-end service operations, especially vehicle terminals, such as creating standardization of operational service systems that were previously not connected between ports and terminals. 

"This is in line with the Company's position which is an important component of the national automotive industry and is the basis for always providing excellent operations to its customers, namely vehicle manufacturers who have products both exported and imported as well as handling domestic automotive products. "We continue to actively collaborate with various stakeholders, both government agencies and investors, in order to build connectivity between vehicle terminals which will ultimately encourage efficiency in terms of logistics costs," concluded Sugeng.

(ISL News/Corsec IPCC Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • IPCC Performance Increasingly Solid, Cargo Traffic Reaches 1.2 million Units, Profits Grow 18%


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