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Pelindo Gives Discounts on Stacking Goods and Containers of up to 50% During Angkutan Lebaran 2024

03/04/24, 09:49 WIB Last Updated 2024-04-03T02:52:26Z

 As a form of commitment to supporting logistics flows, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo will provide incentives in the form of reduced costs, namely discounts of up to 50% on bills for goods and container stacking services during the period of restrictions on Lebaran Iedul Fitri goods transport. and return for Eid in 2024.

Ardhy Wahyu Basuki, Group Head of the Company Secretariat, said that the fee reduction is provided for the period 5 - 16 April 2024. "The discount applies to inter-island unloading services and services for imports," added Ardhy.

This discount is part of the company's efforts to support government policies. Previously, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, expressed the government's commitment to ensuring logistics supplies run smoothly during the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

"I have instructed the ranks of the Ministry of Transportation to ensure the smooth distribution of logistics and coordinate with related parties such as Ministries/Institutions and Regional Governments so that basic materials, important materials and other goods can meet the needs of the community during Ramadan," said the Minister of Transportation.

Ardhy added that the discount applies at terminals operated by Pelindo. "This discount also applies to container stacking in the extended Container Yard (CY) area and CY line 2 which operates in one terminal area as well as Integrated Physical Inspection Places (TPFT) which cannot leave the terminal (delivery) due to transportation restrictions "goods during the Lebaran Iedul Fitri 1445 Hijriah/2024 Masehi," explained Ardhy.

It was also emphasized that throughout the Eid holiday period in 2024, terminal operations will continue to run. His party guarantees that services for loading and unloading ships, storing goods, providing clean water and other supporting services continue to run 24 hours 7 days.

"Activities inside the terminal remain normal, loading and unloading of goods and containers at the pier continues. We have prepared a supporting area for the stacking yard so that there is no excess, including stacking engineering inside the terminal," concluded Ardhy.

(Editor of ISL News/Corsec Pelindo Pusat/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • Pelindo Gives Discounts on Stacking Goods and Containers of up to 50% During Angkutan Lebaran 2024


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