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BKI Managing Director, Arisudono Soerono Wins Award at the Indonesia Popular CEO Awards 2024 5th Anniversary

24/03/24, 16:13 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-24T09:20:41Z

  PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) ("BKI") as the parent company of the Survey Services BUMN Holding won an award which was held at the JS Luwansa Hotel Jakarta on Thursday, March 21 2024.

In this event, the Main Director of BKI, Arisudono Soerono, succeeded in winning an award at the Indonesia Popular CEO Awards 2024 5th Anniversary event organized by The Iconomics media "Leading Disruption Economy".

Arisudono Soerono received an award in the Indonesia Best 50 CEO Awards 2024 (Popular CEO) category.

And at this award ceremony, he was represented by Abdur Rahman as VP of Internal Supervision of PT BKI (Persero) to receive the award directly.

Abdur Rahman expressed his gratitude for the appreciation given to our Main Director (Arisudono Soerono).

"This award is a form of mutual appreciation, especially for all the efforts and hard work of BKI people, for their hard work and sincerity in their work. "Hopefully this award will be a motivation for us to continue to carry out good work performance and continue our commitment to continue to innovate in business development," he said.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • BKI Managing Director, Arisudono Soerono Wins Award at the Indonesia Popular CEO Awards 2024 5th Anniversary


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