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TPK Koja Gives Surprises on Their Employees' Birthdays

18/02/24, 09:32 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-18T02:33:41Z


  – Friday 16 February 2024 was a special day for DGM HR and Administration of KSO TPK Koja, Mr Yana Pratapa. The reason is, on February 16 2024, Mr. Yana Pratapa celebrates his birthday.

The exciting series of events began with a birthday surprise from the employees and management of KSO TPK Koja to Mr. Yana Pratapa in the Meeting Room, Floor. 2 KSO TPK Koja Jl. Digul I No. 1 North Jakarta 14210.

The excitement of the event became even more lively with a communal banquet in the form of tumpeng, various fresh drinks, pudding and cake.

Happy birthday to Mr Yana Pratapa! Hopefully, as you get older this year, you will be given more health and abundant sustenance from God Almighty. given grace and joy from Him, and become an example for all KSO TPK Koja people. Amen.

(ISL News Editorial/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).


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  • TPK Koja Gives Surprises on Their Employees' Birthdays


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